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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Friday, 20 October 2006
Now Playing: Nomeansno - All Roads Lead to Ausfahrt
Topic: Stephen Says
It's been a while. My stress levels have been pretty effin' high these last few weeks and I've been slightly comatose with things. I've also been fighting a cold which I've conquered like a Roman centurion.

I need time off real bad. Time off which I won't get until November and E&I have re-scheduled our bike riding plans to actually have a quiet, peaceful week together instead of booking time off and planning things which will run us down even more than what we usually get up to in Real Life(tm). You know the deal, lazy evenings in London 5-stars courtesy of, maybe a day trip somewhere pleasant, but mainly lots of nothing much at all, thank you very much.

So, what's been happening, you ask? Not much, I say. Other than dealing with Elisabeth getting screwed over in Waterloo station, me being (amusingly) questioned about shop lifting in a gay novelty store in London and witnessing a police car chase just outside of Ripley (believe it or not), it's been real quiet:

We've been acting like a married couple - working, coming home, eating dinner and watching DVDs (Our supplement for TV) then going to bed and doing it all over again.

But boring has worked and I now feel better. I think that today was just so hectic, hassley and stressful (pity I couldn't find another h-word [gotta love alliteration {or, in my case, illiteration}]) that my lid blew and I got to spend all day running around, being busy and official and efficient (e.g., spazzing out) that my brain has gone around the dark side of the moon and come out the other end and the pain has gotten so extreme that it's become pleasure again.

The plan: Just keep on Given'r.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:11 PM BST
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Sunday, 22 October 2006 - 2:22 AM BST

Name: Sally

Hard? Hellish? Hopeless? Hopping?

Monday, 23 October 2006 - 1:02 PM BST

Name: Stephen

I choose hellish.

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