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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 23 October 2006
Now Playing: The de-humidifier
Topic: Stephen Says
Don't really have anything to say. I think exercise is good for me (oddly enough...); my neck and shoulders have been footloose and fancy free and, while I had the usual degree of anomic dread (I should patent that term) prior to work, I was pretty chilled out and the fact that I desperately need time off didn't bother me so much. Or maybe it's the bizarre concept of actually relaxing (sort of) on the weekend.

Here's a canal picture that Elisabeth took on our travels. She wanted to take a whole bunch but, when you're being rained on 10 miles from home, a photo opportunity tends to be the last thing on your mind:

Oh, and in the spirit of gross egotism, this is me with a beard all decked out for a winter that's not likely to come until the spring (Thank you very much Al Gore. I blame you for global warming):

The facial hair will undergo some changes over the following days until it all gets removed on the 1st of November.

I also can't wait until our next bike trip. I'd forgotten how much I like biking around and England tends to be much more fun than Canada as it's got those funny little 'public houses' all over the place and our guide book for bicycle tours highlights them all. There's nothing like burning off a beer and then putting it back on all day long.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:03 PM BST
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Tuesday, 24 October 2006 - 2:25 AM BST

Name: Mom

lol lol Stephen dear, you look like a terrorist!!

Tuesday, 24 October 2006 - 4:48 PM BST

Name: Stephen

Hence why we now travel by rail and not by plane.

Tuesday, 24 October 2006 - 5:09 PM BST

Name: Christine
Home Page:

LOL @ what your mom said! :)

btw, so you by any chance still have the book that Dr. Chadwick wrote when we were in cegep? My niece has a report due on Ancient Mesopotamia and I thought his book may be handy. I have a feeling I sold my to some first year student. Ah well...there's always the internet.

So, you guys are moving to the T dot? Why Toronto??? Why? Why? Don't you know that's how I ended up on the Island? If I were to live in any city in Canada again, I'd say I'd move back to Montreal. Of course, I suppose there are more jobs in Toronto...but Montreal's still home. Sorry for rambling......Hi E!

Tuesday, 24 October 2006 - 5:36 PM BST

Name: Stephen

Re: Chadwick's book: I dunno. I reckon it's somewhere either in my mom's basement (though God knows where) or has been given to either the NDG or Pierrefonds branche of the Salvation Army.

Re: Why Toronto: It's a major city that's close to firends/ family with lots of work opportunities and a good theatre scene and schools if Elisabeth decides she wants to do her Masters. We've also discovered that we're not socially pre-dispositioned to the country/ suburban life no matter how much we wish we were.

Re: Why not Montreal: I don't want to have to deal with the language bullshit and I feel that I've really been there/ done that over there and would like a fresh start when I get back to Canada.

There's also the matter of children that we're thinking about, too...

Tuesday, 24 October 2006 - 11:39 PM BST

Name: jc

yay bike trips!

Okay, I have to say that I LOVE the beard! And not just because it's trendy right now and Mark has one. I think it looks really good on you. YOu should consider keeping it for a while.

Eh, Elisabeth? Wink wink nudge nudge, knowwhatimean?

Wednesday, 25 October 2006 - 12:01 AM BST

Name: Stephen

Sorry, the beard gets turned into a tough guy moustache this weekend and a pervy moustache for Halloween and then it's back to stubbly ol' clean shaven Stephen for the forseeable future.

The beard looks good in certain circumstances but pretty terrible everywhere else.

Plus I don't want to be that pathetic bald man who compensates for his hair loss by letting his face make up the discrepancy.

Wednesday, 25 October 2006 - 2:39 PM BST

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Re: Chadwick's book- yeah, heck knows where my copy is. I seriously think I sold it.

Re: Toronto- Sounds good! It's always nice to be close to family. Plus, there are heaps of things to do in TO. I kind of miss the ethnic restaurants and theater, art, concerts, etc. It was an expensive city for me to live in (my teacher's salary sucked), but there was always something to do! They've got some nice little cafes and hidden gems of restaurants. Tiger Lily Cafe is one of my faves- on Queen St. There's also the Green Room that's kinda cool.

Re: Montreal- yeah, you're right. Is the language thing that bad there? Guess being away from MTL for so long, things seemed so idyllic and nostalgic! LOL

PS. I really liked the bearded look!

Hey, have you and E decided what you guys are going to dress up as for Halloween???

Wednesday, 25 October 2006 - 2:55 PM BST

Name: Stephen

I'm aware of the expensiveness of Toronto but after surviving in one of he most expensive parts of the UK (Whose cheapest areas make Toronto prices look like a steal), I figure we'll manage. I've also been looking into mental health work for when I get back and the salaries for what I'm qualified to do are pretty nice.

For Halloween:
Me: The Deaner from FUBAR
She: Elisabeth in a wig.

Wednesday, 25 October 2006 - 10:56 PM BST

Name: Mom

To tell the truth I really like the beard also, you look very adventurest, about to scale Mt. Everest!

Thursday, 26 October 2006 - 4:30 PM BST

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Cool! Can't wait for Halloween. Can't wait to see pics! Who was the guy who went as "Sh*t head" for Halloween one year? All I remember is someone had a hat with a pile of (fake) doggie poop on it and that was his costume. I thought it was neat. case you have no idea what I'm talking about, just disregard all I've just said :)

I'm making our house a full-on haunted house for Halloween!!! Yeeeehaw! Can't wait to scare the crap out of all the trick or treaters (Ummm...yeah, like all six of them!) Seriously, last year I made 180 treat bags for the kids, and we only had 6 kids! Hmmm...the countryside is so spread out that we don't get the 300 and something we did when I was in Toronto!!!

Anyway, I suppose I ought to get to work now!

HI SUSAN!!!! How are you?

Thursday, 26 October 2006 - 6:31 PM BST

Name: Stephen

The shit head in question was a fellow by the name of Wes. He's probably in jail now.

Friday, 27 October 2006 - 1:58 AM BST

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Wow. Crazy stuff.

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