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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 29 October 2006
Wiggin' Out
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: BBC 4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

The weekends drawing to an end. After losing an hour of daylight, it's 6:30pm and pitch black outside.

It's been a really good weekend (at least for me as unlike Stephen, I have not had to work). Friday night Stephen & I met up with YMCA volunteers for drinking, and then I stuck around with one other guy and watched a really good cover band. Yes, and it was in Woking, what a relief to see live music close to home. The two of us chatted a lot about ideas for the YMCA and the arts in general, which was nice. Saturday the creative energy must still have been flowing because while Stephen was at work, I created/recorded two songs on the piano. Once Stephen was home we chilled out and prepared to go to a house-warming/costume party for one of Stephen's old classmates who now lives in London. The results:


let's have a closer look at the hairy hunk-meister:

Shame that for Stephen having hair qualifies as a costume...


From Woking, London is usually 45 min. by train. But of course engineering works were taking place, which diverted our train and added another 30 min. to the journey. And all at full fare prices. We could only stay at the party for 2 hours, but with the tube and walking to the apt, our total travelling time was 3 hours. But anything for a costume party right?

Except, it turns out we were the only ones dressed up. C'est la vie eh?

But we met some weird and wonderful blokes on the train home, who we had the priviledge of joking around with for the hour it took to get back to Woking. We were standing right outside the toilets, which has futuristic push-button doors. Only, if the occupant failed to lock the door from the inside, we could "accidentally" press the open door button and catch passengers mid-stream. Of course we would NEVER do that!

And our new friends assured as they were NOT gay:

And today, Sunday, well we recovered over breakfast while listening to Leonard Cohen. Read a new book on Global Warming---please anyone who does not believe it is real, leave a comment so I can present you with the evidence---we all must urgently do everything within our power to stop the carbon emissions. It's just that simple.

So that was relaxing...and then Stephen went to work, and I'm spacing out.

'Till next time...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:49 PM GMT
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Sunday, 29 October 2006 - 8:28 PM GMT

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Excellent! Cheers for sharing the pics! You guys look awesome!

Monday, 30 October 2006 - 7:56 PM GMT

Name: Sean

I dont believe Global Warming is real. Show me the evidence.

Acually, I am more Global Warming Agnostic than Global warming Athiest.

Monday, 30 October 2006 - 8:04 PM GMT

Name: Stephen

I look like I'm totally trashed in that 'mugshot' pic. NOT impressed.

Monday, 30 October 2006 - 11:14 PM GMT

Name: jc

oh my god you guys look awesome. stephen, promise me you'll wear that to the next westberg family reunion.

Wednesday, 1 November 2006 - 1:47 AM GMT

Name: Sean

Here is a train story you might like

Wednesday, 1 November 2006 - 1:49 AM GMT

Name: Susan

Elisabeth---Margaret and I both thought you looked like a movie star, and Stephen you looked great, and cross between Sonny (as in sunny and cher) and John Lennon. You guys are so cool!!!!!

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