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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 30 October 2006
Now Playing: Mudhoney - Under a Billion Suns
Topic: Stephen Says
The dilemma: We're almost out of booze and should I make the trek to the liquor store to buy more?

Answer: Probably yes.

Me: Stress levels returning to normal after a pretty damn good weekend of doing fun things in combination with working as opposed to doing not fun things in combination with working.

So yeah, A pretty interesting weekend...

The Things Elisabeth didn't mention in her post below:
Yes: We did open the door on people pissing.
The dark haired guy in the pic below: Did try mercilessly to hit on Elisabeth but to no avail.
What was funny: They were calling her Bjork and me Lemmy. Not bad comparisons, to be honest.

Also to be honest, those pictures don't do my wig justice, I'd just like to say. I may just wear it all the time from now on. The scary thing was, at the party, someone came up to me and started talking about going to see Motorhead play in a few weeks and was talking to me like I actually knew anything about the band. Couldn't they tell I was being ironic? Is irony dead? Apparantly so.

Halloween's tomorrow and then I'll really break out the costume. Until then, trick or treat!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:01 PM GMT
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