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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 6 November 2006
Topic: Stephen Says
Our 'when it rains it pours' week of unbridled busy-ness is at an end and we can get back to being dull yuppies.

The concert last night was really good. The Roundhouse is an absolutely beautiful venue which is not only non-smoking but also serves pizza slices, sweet & savoury popcorn and nachos during the concert. Have a beer, eat a pizza and see some music, how perfect is that?

The mysterious opening band (name unknown) was a duo which had a lady playing the viola and a gentleman sitting on the floor playing the accordian with a touque on and a drumstick sticking out of it so that he could whack cymbals for percussion. Genius. The picture of him doesn't do it justice:

Next of was Beirut, a band that nearly (If not succeeded in) overshadowed Calexcio with the fact that every member of the 8-piece could play at least 4 instruments really, really well (Except for one guy who could barely play the maraccas and whose role seemed to be Mr. Energy) and often played all four of their instruments at some point during each song. The only reason they weren't a headline band is because they haven't been around long enough.

And Calexico was very good. I'm not too familliar with their catalogue so it's hard to comment though, they really should let the Mexican guy take over lead vocals (Or at least find and edgier singer as Elisabeth pointed out) and every one of their songs should have trumpets in it. It was a night of lots of trumpets and accordians which, while it might be hell for some, was quite pleasant for us.

In theory, A quiet week of catching up on sleep for us.
In theory.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:28 AM GMT
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