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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 6 November 2006
Topic: Stephen Says
Elisabeth wanted to post this entry but she also wanted to read the paper and, since the news (Even if it's yesterday's news) takes precidence, I'm once again monopolizing the blog stuff.

So what news is there? Well;

1) At the end on the month we're going to see Michael Palin read from and talk about his new book on the Monty Python era. Yep, that means that we'll have seen two of the Python's in person now.

2) We've booked tickets to see Colin Towns and the NDR Big Band: Frank Zappa's Hot Licks (and Funny Smells) + It's Later Than You Think featuring Norma Winstone which is super-exciting too. It's a part of the London Jazz Festival and is basically jazzy big band renditions of Zappa songs.

3) Finally, E wanted to post this picture of me at the Enterprise pub in Camden last night. God knows why - I look like a twat and, truth be told, am opposed to the posting of this picture in general:

Right, I've done my good deed; I'm off to bed.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:01 PM GMT
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