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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 8 November 2006
Topic: Stephen Says
I spent too many hours at the local hospital (St. Peter's) this evening. Amongst the people I saw come through:

- A fellow who looked like someone had taken a tire iron to his face - he was split open from forehead to chin and spouting/ drenched in the kind of blood that they never show in movies - a combination of bright red, maroon and black.

- Another guy wiped out on his motorcycle and dislocated his shoulder and bunged up his neck but got dischaged relatively easily.

- A middle-aged Asian man who had a mild epileptic fit (I mean seizure. Damn you heartless British terminology!) who got rushed to the hospital thanks to some over-anxious neighbours. 20 members of his immediate family showed up and it was all a bit of a joke.

There are too many elderly peope in hospitals which is depressing. What's also depressing is that I got fucked over by the crisis response team tonight and had to deal with things that were out of my remit. Ah well, as was said to me by my manager, "You've done what you did because you have a heart. If you stop doing what you're doing, you won't have a soul." Or something to that extent.

Being a good wife, Elisabeth bought me some booze to help unwind after what has probably been my most stressful day yet. Being attacked, threatened and bathing in poo & pee has nothing on how I feel today, though that's not to say that one or more of those things didn't happen.

It's weird how my brain now just goes into 'deal with it' mode and no matter how much I might want to avoid dealing with things because their so dreadful. When push comes to shove, my mind just shrugs and says 'well, you've got to deal with it so rock'n roll.' And I don't feel tense or stressed and I just do it.

The stress comes later.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 1:00 AM GMT
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Wednesday, 8 November 2006 - 3:56 PM GMT

Name: Sean

Joanna had to go to the hospital once and I had to wait about 10 hours while she was being observed. I had nothing to do but wait in the ER waiting room and watch people come and go. There was the wave of drunk people cut up around 3:30 in the morning, but also sad when people came in crying when someone had a heart attack.
Plus this was the day that the space shuttle crashed and they kept playing it over and over on all the TV's.
Do they keep patients in the hallways over there?

Wednesday, 8 November 2006 - 5:46 PM GMT

Name: jc

Oy vey. You're a hero, my friend.

Friday, 10 November 2006 - 12:40 AM GMT

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Wow! You're a star, my friend! The world needs people like you who can remain cool, calm and collected when push comes to shove. Some people just can't handle stress that way. Hubby wants me to join the First Response Team and Firefighters since he's been doing it for years serving the community...I know me and I can't hack that kind of stress.

Friday, 10 November 2006 - 3:58 AM GMT

stand up man , stand up for yourself and all will come to pass. love peace!!!

Friday, 10 November 2006 - 8:16 AM GMT

Name: Stephen

I'm not too keen on dealing with burned people to be honest. I saw some pretty nasty pictures when I took a first aid course.

Friday, 10 November 2006 - 8:19 AM GMT

Name: Stephen

Drunk people are the worst. I remember being in the montreal General years back and a drunk patient hit an orderly. A bunch of orderly's rushing in and restrained him, told me and my dad to "get the fuck out" and then hit the patient.

No patients in the hallways. St. Peter's is one of the worst hospitals around and it was clean and pretty nice, to be honest. Much better than any Montreal ones.

Tuesday, 14 November 2006 - 7:43 PM GMT

Name: Christine
Home Page:

That's exactly why I couldn't work in First Response or the Fire Department. Hubby's seen some pretty gruesome things as a firefighter and first responder. I know I couldn't do it. As much as I'd wish I could help, I know I'd be doing the public a tremendous dis-service! :(

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