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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 11 November 2006
Now Playing: Rough Trade Indiepop vol.1
Topic: Stephen Says
Life is getting a little more back on track as I've had time to relax and Elisabeth has had time to have fun. We saw the Borat movie last night which actually is as funny as everyone makes it out to be. For the first time ever, we weren't the only people in the audience laughing and, in a weird twist of fate, we actually managed to randomly sit down in our assigned seats.

We hit our favorite Italian restaurant afterwards only to discover that they'd changed their menu and we couldn't get our deep-fried cheese any more. On the plus side, they were out of our favorite bottle of wine (Nero d'Avolo) and the host graciously gave us a better bottle of wine for the same price.

Anyway, off to do some shopping today and get all those vital little things that we've needed to buy over the last 2 weeks but haven't.

In the news this week, many of you may have heard that America has managed to start pulling its head out of its ass and has decided that it wants to try and regain some semblance of being a democracy again (As opposed to the neo-feudalist theocracy that it's been pushing over the last 6+ years). Anyway, if any of you mistakingly thought that this was a good thing, I encourage you to read Ted Rall's latest article so that you can get depressed all over again.

And finally, in the Look-at-Stephen-Snickering-into-his-Sleeve Dept., 46% of evangelicals think Clinton was as good a Christian, or better, than Bush.

Alrighty, I'm off to make breakfast and be a productive memeber of society. Wish me luck!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:39 AM GMT
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Saturday, 11 November 2006 - 11:48 AM GMT

Name: Elisabeth

You lazy! I made breakfast!

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