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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 15 November 2006
Toucing Base 2
Now Playing: Nomeansno - Dance of the Headless Bourgeoisie
Topic: Stephen Says
I'm feeling pretty fulfilled today. Just got back from the Woking Mental Health Fair where we had the best display and, to be honest, if I may toot me & my collegues horns, were the most professional there. It was fun being corporate and networking and actually knowing a lot of the people at other stands nd knowing what I'm talking about even.

Wow. Working a steady job means that you network and know stuff.
Who'da guessed.

I feel very professional and managerial right now.
I also refrained from sticking a box on my head this year.
I might pop a picture up later if I get around to it.
(Though I probably won't.)

Excuse me now while I enjoy a glass of wine in out new decanter.
(Makes cheap wine taste less cheap.)
(Got it for 3.50 at a charity shop marked down from 7.50.)
(Which means it would probably retail for about 750 pounds.)
(But would be marked down to 350 pounds at a Debenham's blue cross sale.)

Okay, I really must go. I'm feeling full of myself so I shall go and irritate my wife and not you, gentle reader.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:41 PM GMT
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