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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 18 November 2006
Still touching base
Not much blogging / not much going on, really. I, for one, have been counting down the days 'till annual leave. And low and behold it's here and what have I done? Gotten up at the usual time. Elisabth is sleeping in, thank God.

Last night she decided that we should open the bottle of champaign that our new eco-energy provider gave us for switching over to them to celebrate 7 days of slack. I supported her in this.

bleah. nothing else to say, really. We're going to take it easy today and then I'm off to London to get neurotic with Neurosis.

Exciting news that my excite other people and not just myself may be forthcoming.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:09 AM GMT
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