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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 20 November 2006
doing stuff
Topic: Stephen Says
Yesterday we sort of hit London. We ended up not going to the textile fair (Not museum like I posted yesterday) because it was 5 pounds to get in which was kinda weird. I mean, would you go to the mall if you were charged a fiver just to gain access to the shops?

So instead I spazzed out and became argumentative (Thanks to being generally tired from Saturday night) and we finally went to the V&A Museum after an overlong ride on the train and yet more shenanigans with the Tube.

It was my first time to the V&A and I've got to say I wasn't very impressed. It's basically a museum that has all the discards from the British Museum. By and large, not very exciting (or fun) with a few really interesting jems and a great display of British fashion which is ripe for mocking.

Had a lovely late lunch at Gino's Pizza Pomadoro - a loud, gaudy italian chain that makes deeelicious pizza. Quite reccomended although I couldn't understand why our waitress kept apologizing to us for being Italian. It's refreshing to have an Italian waitress in an Italian restaurant - most waitresses in Italian restaurants in London are Polish. Maybe that's what she was apologizing about - for not being Polish.

Milled around Chelsea for a while and found a nice pub to while away the time before our concert only to get surrounded by posh Chelsea youth vacuously talking about their hopes and dreams (To date someone rich), future plans (Get extentions put in their hair) and other topical topics (Clothes, shopping and sundry other idiocies).

Cadogan Hall has the look and feel of a church hall but without the church. It was a bit dismaying walking in and seeing all the posh Chelsea men being generally posh and Chelsea-like at what was ostensibly a Zappa concert.

Norma Winstone's opening was generally disappointing. She did an interesting cover of Leonard Cohen's Sisters of Mercy and was good at scating but she didn't seem to actually want to be performing or be enjoying herself.

Colin Towns, on the other hand was utterly fantasic. Mark (Or Jenn), if you're reading this, Elisabeth thinks that you would really like what we heard. (Hey Jenn, hint, hint, Christmas is coming). Anyway, here's a link for the album in question which also has a couple of the songs they played available for listening. Fun stuff.

Anyway, eventually got back to Woking and I'm now caught up on sleep, being the useless old fart that I have become.

E&I are having a domestic day of relative quietness although she's been really manic this morning and is doing a lot of tidying which is kinda freaking me out because I just want to drink coffee and space out. There's a birthday party to attend in the pub this evening but, otherwise, it's Rancho Relaxo.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:58 AM GMT
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