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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 20 November 2006
Financial Funnies
Now Playing: The Beatles - "Love"
Topic: Stephen Says
What do you do on your annual leave? Well if you're Stephen & Elisabeth, you do your banking.

First off, I don't know if this is really old and I just haven't noticed or if it's new and high-tech but I brought a bunch of pennies in to be counted and there's a machine that does it for you! Drop'em in a pan, flip them down a slit and the machine jiggles them around, tallys then all up and credits your account. Fun. I will be saving all my change from now on so that I can make a monthly trip to the magic change machine.

On another note, we topped up our ISA's (UK equivilent to RSP's) and Elisabeth challenged the bank guy about why (as we found out today) I've got the best credit card you can get and she doesn't. Turned out that there's no good reason (Though it's somewhat inexplicable how I qualified for it) and that I don't have the best credit card, I've got the second best and now qualify for the best one. I smell sexism here (And so does Elisabeth) so the journey to get E better credit continues...

Mister Bank Guy also realized that we've a)got good jobs, b)are not in debt and c)have savings, so he desperately tried to sell us lines of credit and loans, etc. which was exciting for a time because it would have meant that we could have gotten enough for a mortgage but, had we have done that, we would then, ironically, loose positive points b&c and just be a bunch of schmucks living in debt. So we left the bank before it could try and find another way to rip us off and bought the new Beatles CD.

My review: Yawn. Danger Mouse did a much better job a few years ago, pity the album was deemed illegal because in 10 years time, The Grey Album will be considered a classic that set the bar for Beatles remixes and "Love" will be sold for 99p in the bargain bin.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 3:26 PM GMT
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