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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 25 November 2006
Topic: Stephen Says
Today's a pretty crap day - it was dark and rainy all morning, brightened up in time for us to pop into town for a shop and has gone all wet and dark again.

E&I overdid it a little last night after her gig night at the Y-pod. We went out with some people for drinks at the Holiday Inn and infiltrated an office Christmas party; joining the suits for a waltz, conga and embarassingly bad rendition of YMCA. There was some other dancing too, but I'd rather forget that it ever happened.

So we feel grotty and are off to Elisabeth's Spit-Roast Queens birthday party where we will have to muster some energy for another lateish night. (I always seem to be hung over when we go to their place.)

I suspect that tomorrows plan of action will involve a lot of spacing out.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 4:32 PM GMT
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