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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 28 November 2006
An open letter to Sally
Topic: Stephen Says
Dear Sally,

Today Elisabeth and I went to London to see Michael Palin talk about his newly published diaries. Elisabeth made sure she knew the address to Logan Hall and I made sure that we had supper to take on the train and bought the tickets ahead of time. We arrived on time (early, to boot!) and I even realized that it was general seating so we hung around, got good seats and sat about 6 rows from the front.

Huzzah! We planned ahead and liked it. Our lives were so stress free that we went out for a cheery pint and a chat afterwards (As opposed to the stressful, unwinding rant at the pub that we usually have) and we are happy.

We will plan ahead in the future tonight was so pleasant that I want all my evenings out to be this stress free.


Okey dokey, good natured sarcasm aside, Sally's recent comments actually spurred us to Plan Ahead (note: capitals) and today was very pleasant and relaxing as a result.

Also in attendance the the do was a mister John Cleese! So now we've seen 3 of the Python's live so watch out misters Idle & Gilliam, we're gunning for you!

It was shocking how Mr. Cleese was swarmed with autograph seekers the moment he took to his seat. Proof that I never want to be famous if I'm not even going to be able to see a friend of mine give a talk.

Me = In London training to be a better manager
E = It's her performance review at work. Yikes!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:16 PM GMT
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Wednesday, 29 November 2006 - 2:56 PM GMT

Name: Sally

I love the Monty Python humour. Live from Drury Lane is my favourite album - Philosopher's Drinking Song and the Four Yorkshiremen, The Argument...

And, you even managed to make your entry amusing without being late for the show.

Good on ye, mate!

Wednesday, 29 November 2006 - 9:03 PM GMT

Name: Stephen

My favorite was always Live at the Hollywood Bowl. But Mr. Celulose from Meaning of Life always makes me laugh until I pee because, of course, there's nothing funnier than a fat man throwing up.

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