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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 2 December 2006
Stupidly Effiecient
Now Playing: Totally 80's
Topic: Stephen Says
Elisabeth continues to be irritating and book driving lessons first thing Saturday morning. So she was up early (As was I a while later) and out of the house. I cut my hair, spaced out and, upon her return, we ate breakfast and vamoosed into town where we hit the bank, post ofice, a few shops, I bought clothes, she a 2007 diary, and bought groceries and a paper (A Guardian. Eeew.). We were home by 2PM.

We're having Radiccio Pizza for supper tonight. We thought radiccio and radishes were interchangable so we stocked up on radishes. God only knows what the pizza's going to tast like.

We're also cleaning the flat though motivation for doing this is waning severely. The last guest we had staying with us was about 6 months ago which means it's been 6 months since we cleaned the place and only 1 week until Tim & Vicki arrive which means that we've got to make the accumulation of mould disappear pronto. We've beenwading through about 6 inches of dust over the last month and have become used to it, though I'm sure it's not to everyones taste.

Neither is radish pizza but we're gonna eat it anyway.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:08 PM GMT
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Sunday, 3 December 2006 - 10:58 PM GMT

Name: Christine
Home Page:

So, how did the pizza taste? I'm curious to find out! Oh, I've posted a recipe (somewhere in my archives) on vegetarian pizza with a rice crust. I don't know if you remember that crazy French guy who made soaps and stuff (he wasn't part of the wormy group but hung out with us). It's his recipe...totally vegetarian and you can make it vegan if you use tofu cheese.

Monday, 4 December 2006 - 9:16 AM GMT

Name: Stephen

Elisabeth wisely chose not to go with the radishes. The crust was an interesting one - she used a scone recipe for it. I'm sure she can fill you in better when she gets home.

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