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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 3 December 2006
On Old Farts
Now Playing: BBC Radio 4
Topic: Stephen Says
I posted the following comment on another blog:

Are you an old fart? Am I? Spent Saturday night at home drinking camomile tea and lying in bed reading a history of the Middle East and fell asleep around 9PM. Woke up this morning and thought 'what a wonderful evening I just had' and am now looking forward to my wife cooking pancakes and reading the Sunday paper. Ugh.

Read it to Elisabeth who laughed at me and I thought it might be worthwhile to post it here as well. It was only when I was typing out the entry that I realized I was listening to BBC Radio 4.

The same Radio 4 I listen to all the time.

The Radio 4 that is mainly listened to by posh ladies in the countryside with names like Beatrice and Eugenie who don't call themselves birdwatchers, rather they use the much cooler term 'twitcher.' I know that because I listen to (groan) BBC Radio 4 all the Fekking time.

On the up side, I've also discovered a hysterically funny comedy show on it which has garnered more complaints that positive reviews so you know it's got to be good. You can listen to the 1st episode HERE, assuming you've got a fast connection and real player.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:42 AM GMT
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Sunday, 3 December 2006 - 10:53 PM GMT

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Love it! Stephen, 10 years ago would you have ever thought you'd be living in England, sipping cammomile tea, reading the papers, listening to BBC Radio 4, as your wife was making you pancakes? :) Life has an interesting way of surprising us sometimes, no?

Thanks for the comment, by the way! Oh, and I wasted all of my Sunday (a first in YEARS!). After the party last night and going to bed around 3AM, I slept in (something I haven't done in years either) and felt completely rough. Blech! Remind me again why Hubby and I don't make it a regular practice to go to bed so late!?!

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