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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 4 December 2006
What have I been thinking?
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Topic: Stephen Says
Really, what HAVE I been thinking? Ntl is doing work in the area so our broadband has been real hit and miss over the past few days. Of course we were never told about it and, only after I called 3 help lines, being charged 5-10p a minute depending on which service desk I was ringing, did I find out via an automatic voice with a dodgy Yorkshire accent that Ntl customers in the GU22 post code area were going to be having dodgy service for the forseeable future. Elisabeth is is pretty pissed off at the shoddy service and is going to complain the living shit out of them to get us a refund of some kind.

Whee, I'm back at work and all energized and happy and productive and I think it's freaking out the staff & residents alike. Just for the hell of it, I whipped up a batch of cheezy garlic bread and was able to produce a caramel apple tart with custard on top of my usual duties. Efficient worker says you? Cheap bribery says I.

So, hmm, The Nativity Story bombed at the box office. Gee, did anyone see that one coming? Reuters is trying to pass the blame onto poor weather (i.e., God) but over at CHUD, the same fella who so wonderfully blasted that anti-global warning asshole a couple of days ago has another point of view which has a lot more merit than blaming God for a poor box office.

(Seriously, if you can't blame liberals, gays, immigrants or Muslems on something, I suppose God is always a good fallback guy. After all, you know he'll only just forgive you.)

(Unless he feels like going Old Testament all over your ass, in which case you're screwed anyway.)

Anyway, rant aside, what was I thinking today? With the internet out of commission, I headed into town for 2 1/2 bloody hours to browse. At Christmas. It was horible, just horrible, gentle reader. I came close to buying cufflinks, spending 100 pounds on a new juicer, 30 quid on a bloody chopping block, more money on gloves I didn't really like... The possibilities for getting ripped off were endless! For an unreasonably long period of time, I became one of the living dead:

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:35 PM GMT
Updated: Monday, 4 December 2006 10:40 PM GMT
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Tuesday, 5 December 2006 - 12:43 AM GMT

Name: Sean

Well if the nativity story did well just imagine how may religious movies would be in the work. Thanks to this one failing, people should be thinking twice about trying it again.
Another act of god stoped these lunitics from protesting in the name of God.

Tuesday, 5 December 2006 - 1:03 AM GMT

Name: christine
Home Page:

I was wondering how the Nativity Story would fare at the box office. I didn't think too many people would be eager to attempt another movie of that nature...seeing as what happened when Mel Gibson did the Passion of the Christ. Hardcore Catholics would love it, others would think it was anti-Semitic...and others wouldn't even give it a second thought. What did you think of it? Have you seen it?

Tuesday, 5 December 2006 - 7:38 AM GMT

Name: Stephen

I never saw The Passion (And doubt I ever will) - Torture porn really isn't my thing.

Tuesday, 5 December 2006 - 7:42 AM GMT

Name: Stephen

What do you know, more proof God doesn't like intolerant bigots.

I'm still trying to figure out the Westborough Baptist 'Church.' They seem so vile and odious and are so opposed to everything, I'm waiting for Fed Phelps to admit that it's one big postmodern art movement.

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