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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 6 December 2006
Merrily, Merrily...
Now Playing: XTC
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

It's a bit freezing tonight, and without central heating, it's necessary to wear layers and a toque (wooly hat) indoors.

Stephen sounded a bit poopy this morning about the weather, but at least he works in a great big edwardian house with a radiator system reputedly on overdrive. And he gets to sleep there fully dressed-two duvet action for him!

So how's December treating you all out there? Christmas cards (or e-cards for you eco-warriors) have been prepared/posted? Gifts: bought, wrapped?

Or are you like me and have good intentions but no will to carry through with actions? For example, for most of the year I've been looking forward to Christmas so that we can stock up on wine, cheese and chocolate...but I just can't justify doing it because there's no point. There's only two of us! We'll just get really fat and gluttony.

And Christmas presents...sure I love my friends and family, but you know, why should we spend money on each other? And receiving gifts isn't that pleasurable either. In fact, thinking about the material aspects of Christmas just turns me off.

Instead, lets just smile a lot, drink lots of hot drinks, and enjoy the way the moonlight shines through the bare branches of the trees at night. The frosts, the time off work, and hopefully spending time with people you don't spend enough time with. Parties: dancing and these things is my seasonal joy.

So that's my apology to everyone and all as to why you won't be getting a prezzie from me! Maybe you'll see a card...if I can stop blogging and surfing the internet long enough to get my act together.

Looking forward to my office x-mas party on Friday, as well as Tim & Vicki's arrival this weekend...

Ding dong merrily I'm high!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:10 PM GMT
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Friday, 8 December 2006 - 2:27 PM GMT

Name: Greg

Didn't you say that you got your Christmas shopping done like a month ago?

I'm still trying to figure out what to do about this whole presents vs. no presents thing. I think World Vision has this programme where you can sponser goats and other things/animals for African Villages. I might try that...


Friday, 8 December 2006 - 5:54 PM GMT

Name: Stephen

Sorry, Greg, I was the irritating prick that got all his Christmas stuff done ages ago (Albeit I'm not quite done to be honest. Serves me right for bragging.)

I say defintely go for the sponsorship gifts! They were all the rage over here last year and in January the BBC did a very cynical special on whether these kinds of things were actually worthwile and, in fact, it turned out that they were.

PS- Congratulations you yourself and Laura! Gregandlaura Piccini has a good ring to it.

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