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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 9 December 2006
Office Christmas Party
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Last night was my office Christmas party, which was held at the Ship Hotel in Weybrdige, which happens to be next door to my last job's office building. Swings and roundabouts...swings and roundabouts...

The evening started with drinks, and introducing Stephen to my curious colleagues. Everything was a bit uncertain, and people hadn't had enough drink to be relaxed yet.

Soon enough, we were seated for dinner, and unlike many companies, there were no speeches or a welcome, or anything. So, we pulled our Christmas crackers apart (most people at my table seemed too embarrassed to do such a childish thing) and put on our crowns. Well, Stephen and I did.

The food was deplorable. Brown, mushy and bitter sprouts, a thin stick of black crisp, which we decided was supposed to be a roasted parsnip. The roasted part was what gave it away.

The soup was like drinking oil, the plum pudding tasted like petrol. So, the drink his us even harder as we didn't eat much.

Well I was ok because I stopped drinking after 4 glasses of wine...Stephen on the other hand made a right ol' show of himself-- swearing at ladies, shimmy-ing up and down support beams...I got a lot of raised eyebrows from colleagues...what will they say on Monday? But if it weren't for Stephen, it would have been unbearably dull...

We did a lot of dancing, as usual...people gave us plenty of space...

At 12:30 the taxi came to take us home. Stephen just about passed out.

This morning at 9:15, Stephen got a call to go into work for a few hours, and despite the hangover, he ate breakfast, hopped on his bike, and is now at work!

I on the other hand, can barely be arsed to shower. But I will of course. I must do a few things in town...

Here's two pix from the part-ay

tommorrow: Tim & Vicki?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:55 AM GMT
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