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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 12 December 2006
Yay for Visitors!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Tropicalia
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Tim & Vicki arrived from Philadelphia yesterday morning. As Stephen & I both had to work, we got them into the apartment, gave them keys, towels, food and a bed, and then left.

Which was good, as they were quite tired.

My manager let me go an hour early, and so we all got to hang out, go to a quick learning disabeled course at the YPOD and then out to dinner at the lovely L'Aroma.

More drinks & christmas carols into the night.

Feeling a bit worse for ware today. But Tim & Vicki are now making an amazing smelling stir-fry...which is ready now..bye

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:09 PM GMT
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Wednesday, 13 December 2006 - 8:02 AM GMT

Name: jc


Have fun friends. We miss you!

Thursday, 14 December 2006 - 3:42 AM GMT

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Sounds awesome! It's always nice to have loved ones over for a visit! Glad you guys are having a great time!!!

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