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« December 2006 »
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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 31 December 2006
And now for these short messages
Topic: Stephen Says
Well, well, well. Looks like the busy holiday season has temporarily put the blog to sleep. It’s been a couple of busy weeks what with the Christmas party season directly conflicting with the arrival of Tim & Vicki which, in my case at least, led to being very busy, staying up past my bedtime and going above the legal alcohol limit for driving a few times. They had barely left when we had to organize ourselves to head down south to spend a lovely and quiet Christmas with my family where Elisabeth promptly got sick and lost her voice. Since we’ve been back, I’ve been back at work, Elisabeth is still struggling with her cold (Though Champaign & organic Chardonnay is helping her along better than any pills seem to have done) and we’ll be biking to a New Years party this evening where we will be well behaved because I’ve got to work tomorrow.

So that’s it for the re-cap. It’s been a pleasant two weeks with lots of good food and drink being (mostly) consumed in moderation. No New Year de-tox for us!

As for me, not too many New Years resolutions. Other that the usual ones to get more healthy, I’ve actually started to use a diary to keep track of things and over my past 5 day trial, it’s been pretty good and I’m more on the ball with doing things. Will it last into February, though? We’ll see…

Happy New Year to all ( Or, happy Eid al-Adha, if you’re so inclined) and your regularly scheduled programme will resume after the holidays.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 1:28 PM GMT
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