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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 3 January 2007
Happy New Year?
Topic: Stephen Says
Hope y'all had a good New Years!

Our plan: To bike 30 minutes in the rain to Byfleet, party it up until just after midnight in a (semi)responsible way and then bike back home in the rain so that I'd be fresh for working the late shift on the first of January.

The reality: Elisabeth's cold was still in full effect so she had a snooze to re-energize at 5PM. At 6:30, she rang to say we wouldn't be coming. We played a game on Monopoly for old times sake (Still can't bear to dust off the good ol' Game of Life) and then she went to bed and left me to binge drink alone until midnight where I was too uncoordinated to send a bulk text out to people and then staggered to bed.

The good news: Her cold lifted yesterday morning. A lovely coincidence that it was also her first day back at work which, as far as I'm aware, equals a pretty sucky Christmas holiday.

Me: I'm holding my breath that her cold has passed me by because I don't feel like being sick. That said, if I do get sick it means that I'll get to use up some of my sick days so I'm not holding my breath very hard.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:13 AM GMT
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Thursday, 4 January 2007 - 5:26 PM GMT

Name: jc

Boo on sickness! This marks the first Christmas in some four years that I didn't become deathly ill and/or have sinusitis. I'm sorry I had to pass the torch.

Happy new year!

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