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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 21 January 2007
I am the Biggest Asshole in the World
Mood:  down
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
I am the Biggest Assohole in the World (BAW). Why?

I went to see Happy Days at the National Theatre Last Night and forgot to turn off my phone.

And thank the Lord above, no one call, no one sent a text message...but it COULD have happened. I would have been mortified and scarred for the rest of my life. Nevermind have completely ruined one of the best pieces of theatre I have ever seen.

Happy Days, but Samuel Beckett is often classified as an "existentialist" piece of theatre, but could just as easily be classified as a realist piece of theatre.

Ok, so a women is burried up to her waist in earth for the first half, and up to her head in the second half, but take away the visual of the earth, and ask yourself, how many people do you know (including yourself) are restricted, confined and alone? What realities do you try to ignore in order to just "get on with it?"

And Fiona Shaw, the main (and almost only) actor, was sublime. Such command, awareness and humour...I feel priviledged to have witnessed her at work.

Anyway, Stephen's off to do a sleep-in at work, and I'm just bumming along....

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:14 AM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 21 January 2007 9:15 AM GMT
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Tuesday, 23 January 2007 - 12:00 AM GMT

Name: susan

How I wish I could have seen that play with you.

Tuesday, 23 January 2007 - 5:54 PM GMT

Name: Elisabeth

That would have been would really enjoy it...hey, there's still time?

Wednesday, 24 January 2007 - 2:45 AM GMT

Name: Sally

I saw Happy Days performed by Fiona Reid at Soulpepper in Toronto and found it electrifying. It was on in Toronto the summer that you and Stephen were married. How many of us are like Winnie, getting through each day with a carefully executed routine and an optimistic outlook that finds "another happy day" in the minutiae of our lives? In the second act, when she is buried up to her neck, I had the panicky feeling that I needed to dig my way out of my own sand pile before it was too late.

Wednesday, 24 January 2007 - 8:26 PM GMT

Name: Elisabeth

I'm so glad you enjoyed seeing Happy Days in Toronto...what's up with actresses named Fiona?

And, what's the secret to getting out of a sand pile?

Thursday, 25 January 2007 - 3:40 AM GMT

Name: Sally

The first secret to getting out of the sandpile is recognizing that you are in one.

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