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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 25 January 2007
Bad Luck...
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
I didn't pass the driving test. Yes, a few tears are split, but I will retake the test in about 3 weeks.

I would have passed the test if I hadn't crossed a padestrian crossing when pedestrians were waiting to cross.

Why did I cross it? Well there were two parked lorries obstructing my view on either side. Which also meant the lorry was obstructing my lane, and it took me a long time to get an opening to move of course I wasn't planning on having to stop once I had the opportunity to move.

But see, there I am, a dangerous driver, and going over that zebra crossing was an automatic fail.

Otherwise, I did everything well enough to pass.

Shit eh?

Well, hopefully it'll make me a safer driver, and I will take a few more lessons to sharpen my skills before taking the test again...I will then treasure this license like no license'd think that driving for 5 years in North America would have given me the skills necessary to pass a driving test in England...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:49 AM GMT
Updated: Thursday, 25 January 2007 11:42 AM GMT
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Thursday, 25 January 2007 - 7:53 PM GMT

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Aww...don't worry about it, E :) You'll get it next time! If this makes you feel any better, I had to take my theory test twice (but got my practical on the first try). I actually shouldn't have gotten my practical on the first shot though. I drove at a ridiculously slow speed AND when I had to do a reverse parking into a slot between two cars in the parking lot, I backed in so horribly and so close to the other car that I boxed the tester/instructor (whatever) in! He couldn't get out of the car, so I jokingly said, "I guess you have to pass me now...if you want to get out of the car!" with a nervous giggle. He felt sorry for me and told me I needed to be more confident AND practice parking! He passed me though. I took my test in Valleyfield because everyone said it was way easier there than in St. Laurent.

PS. I still suck at parking :)

Thursday, 25 January 2007 - 10:14 PM GMT

Name: Stephen

I also remember you driving Nial (sp?) home one night and turning left off St. charles blvd. onto a side street IN THE WRONG LANE. Yikes!

Friday, 26 January 2007 - 5:51 AM GMT

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Damn it! LOL! I completely forgot about that!! The scary thing is that none of us were even drinking! Thanks for reminding me about that horrible driving faux-pas, Stephen!

Yeah, and his name is Niall. I lost contact with him shortly after I returned from Japan in 2000. He was probably too scared of my driving and decided he didn't want to be friends with me anymore in case I endangered his life again ;p

Friday, 26 January 2007 - 6:26 PM GMT

Name: jc

Awwww boo! Poor lisbef. You'll get the bastards next time!!!

Friday, 26 January 2007 - 7:45 PM GMT

Name: Elisabeth

Thanks for your consolations...I will beat the bastards next time, and then promptly become a reckless driver :P

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