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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 6 February 2007
Condensation Conversation
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Niagra Falls is streeming down our windows this morning, despite the dehumidifyer. This means that the temperature outside is cold enough to feel like Feb. in England. Before I go to work, I'll mop up the pool of water that when overflows, trickles into all of our electrical equipment.

To catch up the last few days...over the weekend we went out with Stephen's co-workers, Stephen then worked and I chilled out.

Today we're going to see The Dumb Waiter by H. Pinter in London. We're taking the fellow that I've been tutoring.

Not much more to say right now...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:05 AM GMT
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