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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
Blah blah
Now Playing: Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, are you the Destroyer?
Topic: Stephen Says
Been a busy couple of days for me - I worked 9 days without a break and as such have come slightly close to losing my mind (There was a dark spot around 10AM yesterday where I may have actually lost it of a half hour). I've got my one day off today and E is out tonight getting a free reflexology treatment so I'm going to wallow in my own crapulence, get boozy and watch violent films (Depending on what Blockbuster's got, I'm thinking: Day of the Dead, The Devil's Rejects, Battle Royale, Suspira...)

I'll also be rocking out a little. Got the new Of Montreal and Cult of Luna albums so I can go all bi-polar by alternating between feel-good-glam-pop and Swedish Doom metal. Huzzah!

It's cold again in England and we're expecting two fingers of snow on Friday and I can hear the Apocalypse Siren sounding as people prepare for the end of civilised life. I feel a little superior on my bike as I zip past people scraping off their cars however an asswipe in a Vauxhaul pissed me off the other day and almost gave me some kind of come-uppance: I was at an intersection & saw him coming and was in one of those Do Not Hesitate situations where if I hesitated, I would have to wait for him to pass. I didn't (for once!) and started to go except that the dingus in the Vauxhaul accelerated to cut me off only he was also turning right so he had to break very suddenly as well and skidded into the intersection and came pretty damn close to hitting me. Of course, I hadn't moved because I'd seen the loser's plan but wasn't expecting him to turn right because, leah, I'm rambeling. It was annoying, anyway.

As Elisabeth has already mentioned, we went to see Pinter's The Dumbwaiter last night. I really, really liked it; Elisabeth didn't. I suspect that she thought it was going to be something it wasn't. In any case, it starred comedian Lee Evans and Jason Issacs (aka Lucius Malfoy from the Harry Potter films). So in terms of the Elisabeth and me seeing Harry Potter movie actors competition, she leads 2-1.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:59 AM GMT
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Monday, 12 February 2007 - 12:31 AM GMT

Name: Christine
Home Page:

Sounds like you guys are going to have a blast in Egypt! I'm so jealous!!! A friend of mine just got back from vacationing there. She had a blast, rode a camel (said they're cool, but kinda stinky and hairy...cute though!), romanced a cute Aussie boy, ate lotsa yummy food, and got sick from some really weird stomach bug. Her pics were really cool...almost National Geographic worthy!! Have a blast, guys! :) I want pics and details!! When do you depart?

Monday, 12 February 2007 - 8:34 AM GMT

Name: Stephen

We're off at the end of Feb for the first week of March. Average rainfall in luxor for this time of year: 0mm.

Saturday, 24 February 2007 - 1:56 AM GMT

Name: Mom

Hey there,where are some new blogs. I know I talk to you all the time, but I am one of the lucky ones!!!! Any information?

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