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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 11 February 2007
Blah blah continued
Now Playing: Beirut - Gulag Orkestra / The Lon Gisland EP
Topic: Stephen Says
Bah! I was going to put up some pictures but the computer decided that the camera's battery was flat so now I can't.

Another week and what can I say? Not too much to be honest - E&I worked and spent our first weekend together in ages which has been very, very pleasant. It's nice to be reminded that we get along really quite well and don't hate each others guts. Long may love last.

Any post-Christmas dieting has gone out the window as Elisabeth and I have been gorging ourselves on utter crap (and not quite so crap) and she has been managing to drink more than me over the last few days which is quite spooky. That said, I think she's needed a good dose of unwinding for a while and it's nice to see her cut loose. She's all aplogetic for it now and is making an Armenian soup for dinner while I drink Carlsberg and eat bubbly mint crisp flavoured chocolate on a crunchy chocolate biscuit covered in milk chocolate.

I was dragged into Guildford yesterday where we window shopped, bought music and gorged ourselves on Indian food for lunch. A meal that reduced Elisabeth to an IQ of about 12 as papadoms and aloo gobi replaced her brain cells. I, however, stuck to the biryani, naan and pints of Kingfisher so that I was able to let out farts repugnant enough to upset the emo kid in our carriage so much that he and his fake Keds had to turn away from me in disgust.

Today was a typical paper & pub day for me while Elisabeth shopped for Egypt-wear. e.g., cool conservative clothes for a hot Muslem country.

(Tha's gotta be a great title for something.)

Another week begins soon where I will work (Not that I haven't this weekend as I was receiving particulary annoying 'what do I do?' phone calls all Friday night and more calls today which I've chosen to ignore), Elisabeth will work, etc... She's got another driving test on Thursday and I'm spending Valentines day doing a sleep in. Ah the romance! Can you smell it?

Smells like a biryani passed through my system.

Pics to follow should the laptop decide the camera's battery is suficiently charged...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:31 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 11 February 2007 6:38 PM GMT
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Monday, 12 February 2007 - 11:09 PM GMT

Name: Sean

Are you going to see Pyramids in Egypt?
I just looked on google maps (Suprisingly just "Pyramids" is good enough), I never knew they where so close to what looks like suburbs. That would be a cool thing to see in your backyard.

Tuesday, 13 February 2007 - 7:26 AM GMT

Name: Stephen

Unfortunately the pyramids are in Cairo. We'll be in Luxor where we've got the valleys of the kings & queens and the temple of Karnak about 20km from our hotel. It's a 2 hour flight from us to the pyramids & the Sphinx so we'll probably give them a miss.

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