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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 24 February 2007
Yarp. Narp. Yarp.
Now Playing: Joanna Newsom - Ys
Topic: Stephen Says
Been a hectic week to say the least. The Trail of Dead concert was wonderful - 2+ hours of noise. I'm far too old to go into a mosh pit and made a relatively significant ass of myself in it for the whole damn concert. My neck and back feel better for it so go figure.

Spent the day in London - went to the Hogarth exhibition which was jaw droppingly awful. Not the art, that was fine. But the amount of pretentious old biddies who were queuing up, shoving, jumping the queue and being generally horrible patrons of the art while assuming they're the fricking bees knees of the arts world.

I will never again go willingly to the Tate Britain. It's just like the Barbican: A centrifugal force that draws the faux art pretentious crowd with their highbrow (read: simplistic) ideas at over inflated prices.

So later, on Uncle Chris' reccomendation, we went to Bermondsey (sp?) where we were too aggrivated to do anything other than have a swanky late lunch and then wander around London bloated and full of pee while losing our minds in the crowds and fleeing back to Woking which we've decided has deliberately decided to be crap just so that it doesn't draw the crowds like London does.

Congratulations Woking for your determination to be crap!

E is in bed already and I'm freaking out over the fact that we're leaving for Egypt on Wednesday and we're not prepared in any way, shape or form.

PS- Mom: The reason why we ain't blogging much is because we're either too boring or too busy to blog.

PPS- Sean: Hot Fuzz lives up to the hype and then some. I think overall it's better than Shaun of the Dead. Yarp!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:08 PM GMT
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