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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 25 February 2007
Busy, busy, busy
Now Playing: Nick Cave - Henry's Dream
Topic: Stephen Says
It's been hectic today - I had my first sleep in in what feels like weeks and felt rejuvenated enough to tackle our heap of dirty dishes first thing while E went jogging and then biked 4 sacks of recycling to the depot.

Breakfast, etc. led to a jaunt into town where I made myself feel 'manly' by buying socks, underwear, some clothes for the trip and a pair of over-priced designer titanium re-enforced sun glasses. I'm a bit terrified now because the average life expectancy for my shades are about 2 months and I'm so picky that it takes about 4 months to find a pair of shades that I can tolerate and, based on what these damn things cost, they need to last me at least a year.

We popped over to the pub to read the paper and get refreshed before wrapping up our shop with the final bits & bobs for the trip. We're set now with the exception of money which, I hope, will be sorted tomorrow.

We finally got a memory card for our camera as well. It's unbelievable but we've been going around with a 32meg card in it for the last 4 years.

I also cut my hair a little too short and E is infuriated with me. But really, is that even news?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:42 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 25 February 2007 6:45 PM GMT
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Monday, 26 February 2007 - 12:33 AM GMT

Name: Dad
Home Page: http://svsolitaire1.blogspot,.com

Hi Son; Buy a thin cord for the sunglasses so that you can keep them around your neck.... it works for me !!
Looking forward to hearing all your impressions of Egypt - you should have a wonderful and interesting time. I want to do the same trip some time! Much love to you both Dad.

Monday, 26 February 2007 - 10:32 AM GMT

Name: Stephen

I'll give it a shot - Elisabeth wants me to get a hard case for them but they're rather large - So long as I don't plop them inside my bag with other odds & ends, they should be fine.

Tuesday, 27 February 2007 - 1:03 AM GMT

Name: Mom

E. still loves you with short hair and it will grow. Have a wonderful trip!!

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