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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 26 March 2007
Just a quickie...
Now Playing: Isis - Oceanic
Topic: Stephen Says
Just want to say what a lovely day E&I had with Stephen & Laura on their whirlwhind tour of Europe. We got down to Robertsbridge (The maternal home of the Westberg brood) and grabbed a quick pint, trekked through the backwoods of Sussex to Bodium Castle and then down to Rye for a chilly walk along the 'coast,' swanky meal and then back to Woking where they've now left us for Sweden.

It was great seeing Ye Olde England yesterday. Certainly creates a dichotomy between it and Woking; one of whose high streets is currently shut down by police cruisers because there's human blood all over the place.

(And I, being the brainiac that I am, walked through it and got shouted at.)

Posted by oz/rexcats at 3:59 PM BST
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Tuesday, 27 March 2007 - 12:35 AM BST

Name: Mom

Sorry you missed the prince, I am glad glad the four of you had such a good time.

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