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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 2 April 2007
Hangover alert!
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
So it's all happenin'...Stephen's handed in his resigation, I've given my verbal resignation, plane tickets booked, piano advertised for sale, and I'm thinking ahead to life back in Canada. I look forward to a change of pace and spending more time in the performing arts. Nevermind being able to live in a city again...

However, it's not back to student-style living for me. I took a trip down memory lane on Sat. night, and got absoluetly falling-down drunk..and did not remember falling down. Stephen's co-worker had a musical-inspired costume party to break in her new flat in Greenwich. Some pix:

There was a mean punch, which I had way too much of, so by the time we left, I was walking/puking/passing out.

I did not feel good the next day, and only when I got home did I discover I had lost my glasses. Shock! Hangover-horrer!

Luckily they were in the bearded blokes' car & he dropped them of 15 min. before I had to be at work.

Today's been rough to say the least--2 day hangover. oh boy. No student life for me... it's just stupid. Poisonous. But fun...

I got home, and my ever-surprising husband had made stuffed artichokees & cheesy bubble & squeak...almost all of it organic.

This weekend we're renting a car (now that my glasses have been found ) and are going to drive around Wales for a couple of days. Did we already mention this...I'm not the most alert right now...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:14 PM BST
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Wednesday, 4 April 2007 - 12:46 AM BST

Name: ma-in-law

Elisabeth my dear, what has student whatever got to do with you drinking too much punch? Glad you are feeling better and have a wondeful few days touring Wales, it will be exciting for you to drive with your new liscence. Talk to you both when you return Love Susan

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