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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Barclays visa folly's pt.2
Topic: Stephen Says
Some of you may remember the stupidity I had to face last week when I tried to pay my Visa and was denied this pleasure because I lacked the appropriate identification...

So today:

I went to Barclays to pay off the 480 pounds on my Visa, passport in hand, lined up, waited in line and...

The person in front of me went up to pay his Visa and I overheard him talking to the casheer how he'd brought in extra ID for it because of problems he's had in the past trying to pay it off. He said something like "This really is a silly thing to have to do, you know."

And she said "I know it makes no sense. We try not to follow it because it's so silly. But it's up to each tellers perogative."

I paid my Visa and didn't have to show my passport.

The moral: Some bank tellers are real big assholes.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:22 PM BST
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Thursday, 12 April 2007 - 2:22 AM BST

Name: mom

well at least when you come back to good old Canada all you do is go to an atm and blink blink everything is paid. Do they think some strange person is going around paying off someonelses visa? one should be so lucky. Who on earth is Janie. Have a good trip Elisabeth --- leaving my poor son and your husband to fend for himself!!! Joke !!!

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