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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Topic: Stephen Says
I was going to blog for the sake of blogging but have only just looked at the blog and seen that Elisabeth blogged a few days ago and I hadn't bothered to check. If only real life was like a book, with our blog reaching an exciting crescendo instead of petering out as we go on with other things. Ah well, we've still got 4 weeks here - anything can happen.

Bits & bobs:

-As Elisabeth mentioned, I engaged in a camping trip last weekend. A relatively surreal thing since the camp site was in a field with no privacy between the locations where people pitched their tents. An appropriate metaphor for the British psyche: No real privacy yet everyone going about like they were invisible & alone, doing their best to ignore everyone else around them being irritating and not understanding why they're so stressed out and miserable.

-Again, as mentioned below, we're off to see Robert Lindsay (Our current favoirite tragi-comic actor in the Whole Wide World) in John Osborne's The Entertainer at the Old Vic. It's my first West End play so I'm prepared to be generally irritated by the fartsy crowd. It's the kind of affair that I'm actually going to bother shaving for.

-Last night I bore witness to the kind of event that I will miss when I'm back in Canada: Some dude biking excrutatingly slowly along on the sidewalk, not bothering anyone when a rent-a-cop turns around and starts shouting at him to get off his bike. The dude just turns around & looks at rent-a-cop and continues to amble along, totally ignoring the whole situation while rent-a-cop just stands there, shouting at him until he's out of ear shot. The word 'impotant' comes to mind.

-I'll have some culture shock to deal with when I'm in the T-dot (Does anyone still use that term in anyway other than in an ironic one? Or is ironic use of it even passe?). I was watching a documentary the other day, lamenting how stupid the American accents on the interviewees made them sound, when I realized they were all Canadian (Granted, they were from the Yukon). I was also flummoxed by the constant casual use of the word 'eh?' They were bandying it around the way a Brit uses the word 'cunt.'

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:43 PM BST
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Thursday, 3 May 2007 - 2:14 PM BST

Name: Greg

That reminds me of a Simpson's episode where Bart is in a remedial class talking to this kid who tells him, "They think I'm slow, but I'm from Canada, eh..."



Thursday, 3 May 2007 - 2:16 PM BST

Name: Greg

See it here:

Thursday, 3 May 2007 - 4:47 PM BST

Name: Stephen

So true...

Thursday, 3 May 2007 - 9:03 PM BST

Name: Greg

I'm flummoxed by your casual use of the word "flummoxed".

Monday, 7 May 2007 - 7:34 PM BST

Name: Sean

When you get back to Canada we should do some real camping.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007 - 6:55 PM BST

Name: Elisabeth

Right on! So long as Stephen doesn't hurt himself standing on a burning picnic table....

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