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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
I don't get it, still.
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Went to London this afternoon. My goal was to buy a new pair of shoes that will function like the three pairs I'm throwing out. While in London I planned to walk around and see some of Mayfair and St. James.

Typically, it was sunny all morning and then rained as soon as we left the apartment (sadly Stephen went to work, for his last shift!). But that's what a brolly is for! So I managed to walk from Waterloo to Covent Garden, bought the shoes and ate lunch. Set off in the new shoes, but they soon rubbed the skin off of my heels and I had to change back to the old. Then I stopped in at the British Museum to see the Rosetta Stone, walked through Soho to Carnaby Street, walked up to Oxford Street and then down Regent street to Berkley Square in Mayfair, and then down to Pall Mall & through St. James. I took little detours down various streets, and I have to say the most interesting one was after an SUV almost ran me over when he suddenly turned off the main street down a tiny bland-looking alley. The windows were tinted and there was an important air about this SUV, so my curiosity got the better of me and I turned down the alley to follow him. From the main street, this alleyway looked like a dead-end of old brick, non-descript buildings. At the end of the alley, it turns sharply and leads right down to Berkley Square. The street turned out to not be bland at all! It contained some chic boutiques, some fancy restaurants, art gallerys etc... but there were quite a few people on the small street. Turns out half of them were restaurant staff, from each restauarant, hanging out on the street smoking cigarettes and waiting...and then the clientele of a pub drinking in the street, but they were dressed as if they'd been to a royal wedding (minus top hats...) but of course this is probably just their day wear. The restaurant staff were probably just waiting for them, like vultures. I got a few funny looks as I strolled by wearing jeans and a plain M&S long sleeved shirt (well, it was made in Italy so...) hobbling along trying to avoid my bloody heels. But hey, I thought it was a free country!

St. James is only worse in terms of absurdly rich and over-inflated senses of self-importance. With shops selling custom made luxury yachts the size of the QEII, I couldn't help but question if "the system" is working when just outside of these posh areas are shabby council flats, beggars, and general grime. Perhaps London's problems are too big to even contemplate tackling, so that one simply has no choice but to ignore them?

Anyway, on a different note, has anyone noticed that the quality of American Apparel clothes has decreased dramatically? I initially ordered from them in like 2002 when they only had a couple of stores (weren't yet in Canada) and I had to order via post.

Today I wanted to replace my well-loved and very functional cotton t-shirts and tank tops, but when I went to the London store, all the shirts were sloppily sewn and made of the thinest fabric possible, as if the shirt would disintegrate after one wash.

Stephen thinks I whine too here's some positives...I'm happy, healthy and alive. I love Stephen and Stephen loves me. We're moving to Canada. I do not have a disease (that I know of). I am drinking a fine English ale. Tomorrow I'm going to Selfridges in Birmingham with my old work-mates for a corporate entertainment evening...and with that I will sign off.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:41 PM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 May 2007 8:46 PM BST
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Thursday, 17 May 2007 - 1:43 PM BST

Name: jenn

IT's true about American Apparel! Their stuff is utter shit now and I generally don't buy it. They really took that company in the wrong direction.

Thursday, 17 May 2007 - 8:46 PM BST

Name: Sean

Why are you buying more stuff? It's just more stuff to move, plus more expensive (maybe).

Did you find a moving company?

You should spend your money seeing all the stuff you are going to miss when you are gone.

What ups with these wierd enter six numbers stuff when you enter a post. 024406

Thursday, 17 May 2007 - 10:37 PM BST

Name: Stephen

Because we're idiots and so is Anglefire.

Thursday, 17 May 2007 - 10:37 PM BST

Name: Stephen

Isn't just wonderful that i've ordered an American Apparal hoodie...

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