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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Saturday, 11 September 2004
A query
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Bob Marley - One Love
I know that I'm not supposed to get all political over here, but it's the anniversary of the Sept. 11th attacks in New York and there's barely a peep in the news. Is it like that in North America as well? Basically what I'm getting at is, has Bush so squandered the international outpouring of grief and support three years ago that he can't even mention "the worst attack on U.S. soil since Peal Harbor?" (In quotations because I'm sure someone has patented that term so that they can make a quick buck out of it)

Just a depressing thought.

-Stephen singing lets get together an we'll fell alright, out.

I just checked out al Jazeera and according to this story, the New York and New Jersey Port Authorities are celerbating by suing the saudi Government for 7 billion dollars. Happy anniversary!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:29 AM BST
Updated: Saturday, 11 September 2004 9:40 AM BST
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Sunday, 12 September 2004 - 5:01 PM BST

Name: jc

It's been pretty quiet here. It was on the cbc site - a remembrance for CDN victims lost and a general commentary/memory thing, but nothing big. Of course, we don't have a tv and I'm sure that CNN was a fucking clown show, but as for Toronto, it's been almost nil. I think people are afraid that if they give a shit about September 11th, they support the war in Iraq or something. It's all very mysterious.

I myself paid homage by singing New York, New York at karaoke. Although I didn't realize it was September 11th at the time. But my brain must have. Or something.

Sunday, 12 September 2004 - 8:41 PM BST

Name: Stephen

I think you're right about the Iraq link. Bush & co. spent so long tying Osama & Saddam together that the war and the attack are now linked. Some left wing bloggers have suggested making a national day of mouring for the victims of terrorism across the globe but i'm against it - Sept. 11 and NYC are so inexoribaly linked, we all know what it'll really be about. ... Hopefully this mourning stuff will just peter out - I don't recally any national days of mourning of victims of apanese sneak attacks to commemorate Pearl Harbour.

Monday, 13 September 2004 - 12:30 AM BST

Name: jc

Well, I don't know if there was actually a day commemorating pearl harbour at one point, but I think that the main difference there is that it was a military attack. Sure, it was similar in that it was an act of aggression, but the target was the U.S. military: their battleships, their aircraft, their soldiers, since they were all congregated there. I guess what makes Sept.11 more of a "tragedy" is that the people who died in that act of aggression never signed up for it. Innocent pawns, if you will.

Obviously, loss of life is always a tragedy to a certain extent, but I do think that the military aspect is what keeps the violins from emerging on the anniversary of Pearl Harbour. (Though it doesn't stop Hollywood from making shit movies about it.)

Monday, 13 September 2004 - 7:28 AM BST

Name: Stephen

Hmm... I only really used the Pearl Harbour analogy because that's the analogy that's been banded about alot. I agree that there's a huge difference. At the same time, it's morbid to have a holiday to celebrate loss of life. Anyway... Long story short; Bush fucked up, yeah it's sad that it happened and it's even sadder that Bush has hijacked the tragedy for his own gain, fucked that up, fucked up Iraq, fucked up America's economy, and then uses 9/11 as his reason for being elected.

Hee hee... I can write the f-word here because it doesn't look like anyone bothers to look at the comments...

Tuesday, 14 September 2004 - 6:46 PM BST

Name: Sean

I disapprove of your use of the f-word!!!!! God damit!! fucking children could be reading this!

P.S. What do you have agains the apanese??

Wednesday, 15 September 2004 - 7:34 AM BST

Name: Stephen

What don't I have against the apanese?!?! Lousy apanese! Boo the apanese, the bums.

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