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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Friday, 25 February 2005
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: The News
Topic: Stephen Says
{Edit: Elisabeth has pointed out that, most likely, no one will have any idea what I'm writing about in this blog entry. So, since it's Sunday morning, my wife's cooking pancakes and I'm ripping an Oscar Peterson CD; I've decided to annotate this entry. Annotations are, duh, in bold.}

Okay, so here I am on a Friday evening {First off, I'm imitating the 'rap' style of the guy in The Streets; the rap group that I mention later. In fact, this whole blog is sort of modelled after his whiny, pointless style.}, waiting for my wife to come home but she's working late on the day that they announce that the average Londoner works an average of 8 hours of unpaid overtime a week and there's opposition to raising the minimum wage to slightly over 5 pounds an hour {This is fact, as confirmed by the BBC.}because, of course, if you happen to make more than 5 pounds an hour, you'll become a multi-millionaire inside of 2 years and be able to marry your transvestite lover and become Queen-I-mean-King {This is my own snarky supposition that also contains reference to past blog entries where I inferred that Charles & Bowels are both men. I know, I know, Charles? A man?!? For someone who spends so much of his time in a skirt, it's probably hard to beleive that he's a man, bt he is. How else can you explain the attraction that Bowels has towards him?} of this Sceptered Isle. {This Sceptered Isle is a reference to an audio book that I sold while working at the book store. I don't even know what it's in reference to, but seems, to me, to be a funny name to call England.}

Oops. Or maybe it's the 5 cans of cider speaking and that there could be good Job News on the horizon but I don't want to say anything to jinx it except I just did so Whoops! {This is foreshadowing for a future blog entry.}

The album to listen to right now is A Grand Don't Come For Free by The Streets. It's fuckin' terrible but has some good beats and is supposed to be ironic except that it tells the life story of the average Yob/Chav/Youth in this Sceptered Isle so it's actually kind of depressing and sad. But it has some good beats. Don't buy it, download it. But get all the tracks because it's a concept album so, unless you subject yourself to 45 minutes of the worst white-boy rap ever, you won't 'get it.' Or whatever. Did I mention the good beats?

It used to be soooo eeeeeaaaaassssssyyyyyy..... {This is a reference to the ultra-lame refrain from the Street's first track.}

I really want to say something more interesting but nothing's coming to mind. I'm wasting away because there's no one here to make my curry. {i.e., Elisabeth - it was her turn to cook dinner.} It used to be soooooo eeeeaaaaasssssyyyyyyy..... {This is a reference to the ultra-lame refrain from the Street's first track.}

I must go. I'm going to chop some vegetables in the hope that the smell of chopped pepper,onion, garlic, potato and whatever else will bring my wife home earlier.

And maybe convince her to post a blog.

It used to be sooooo eeeeaaaaaassssyyyy..... {Ibid.}

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:34 PM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 27 February 2005 10:04 AM GMT
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Sunday, 27 February 2005 - 5:00 PM GMT

Name: Sean

I have some of the steets songs, from their previous album. How are they viewed in britan? Are they considered a serious band? Or a parady. Are they considred chavs?

I like this song

Monday, 28 February 2005 - 1:20 AM GMT

Name: jc

This is foreshadowing for a future blog entry

Thank GOD for the annotating. I would nEVER have figured that out on my own!!!!

Now write about it. I demand to know. everything.

Monday, 28 February 2005 - 8:09 AM GMT

Name: Stephen

Hi Sean, try this website for a pretty good explanation as to what they are:
then this site:

But no, they're he's not a Chav. Chav's are actually more self aware and successful. Sort of. He just embodies the brain-dead slackerdom of british youth. More a pikey than a Chav. Were he a Chav, he'd have a 14 year old girlfriend knocked up and be running some kind of dodgy scam and be even more irrationally violent. If it looks like I'm grasping at straws here, it's because I am. I know British people read the shit that I write and I think they'd be more adept at explaining it. >ahem
The band's pretty popular over here. It's the kind of thing where Elisabeth had heard the name so much that she just figured that she should finally lsten to them. Thank God they weren't like the Darkness (Probably the WORST band I've ever heard.).

Monday, 28 February 2005 - 8:12 AM GMT

Name: Stephen

I suspect that you'll hear it from the horses mouth tonight. You're due a phone call, expecially considering that your hubby's turning 28 today. 28 on the 28th... That's a VERY special birthday!

Monday, 28 February 2005 - 2:58 PM GMT

Name: Sean

British people read your site?

P.S. never mention the Darkness again..... ever

Monday, 28 February 2005 - 3:12 PM GMT

Name: Stephen

I've heard rumours to that extent, anyway.

And why the hatred towards the Darkness? I mean, I'm sure it's justified. Did you also try to rip their CD only to have it fuck up your media player? It's the one and only time I've seen elisabeth viscerally turned off by an album. Neither of us could get through it. Dying cats scratching their nails on a blackboard is better that Justin Hawkin's voice.

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