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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 4 April 2005
I must be getting old
Now Playing: Some tacky Fats Waller wannabe show music
Topic: Stephen Says
Or else I'm not sleeping enough. This morning I washed my face with hair gel by accident. Elisabeth is cooking a quiche for tomorrow as I type. The benefits of going to the pub with your co-workers on a Friday night: another week or two at the bookstore. One would think that would mean more money, but Barclay's bank won't get involved in the whole afair of Dell charging me almost 400 pounds for some non-existant repairs. I'm desperate - does anyone have any advice? The only people who I can ever seem to talk to are call centre jockeys in India who don't give a rats ass about my problems. Tomorrow E&I are going to try a tri-pronged attack with me going after the bank and her going after Dell but, uh, my advice to all you computer users out there is DELL SUCKS. BOO DELL YOU CHEAP MONEY GRUBBERS. (Sorry; I'm trying to influence the ads at the top out the page.)

Bluh. I don't have anything to say - just wanted to blog. Elisabeth is the reigning blog queen at the moment.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:24 PM BST
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Wednesday, 6 April 2005 - 1:11 AM BST

Name: jc

Hey! My boss just had the same problem with Dell, and was complaining about how he was talking to someone in India... his call centre jockey also tried to pick him up. Heh.

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