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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 10 April 2005
Can't think of no stinkin' title
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Charlie Chesterman - From the Book of Flames
Topic: Stephen Says
I survived my first major clothes shop in England today. It was relatively painless, really. Elisabeth and I puttered about and looked at clothes and I tried them on, feeling smugly superior to the gentleman who was begging his wife to come into the changing room to help him tell if his shirt fitted. She rightly pointed out that it was a men's changing room and couldn't help him sort out if the shirt was too tight across his chest or not. He would just have to figure it out himself.

Anyway, a few trousers and some shirts later and Elisabeth says that I look like a man now and not a guy rapidly approaching 30 who refuses to grow up. I won't be sleeping well tonight.

Todays point of high stress was when we tried to install a curtain rod & curtains. I couldn't measure out where I was supposed to drill the holes to make everything straight (Elisabeth did that) and Elisabeth was afraid to use the drill, so I got to wreck install things. [Actually, the contraption that I used wasn't a drill but an electric screwdriver that I managed to fit a drill bit onto and then just pressed really hard against the wall.] All this was to the dramatic background music of Yobbo & his girl having one hell of a fight. Yobbo is a rhetorical philosopher, it seems, as he was quite keen to stress that "You mean nothing to me! Love? Nothing! Women? Nothing! Children? Nothing!" Quite an intellectual capactiy for argument and debate he has, let me tell you!

We also put up a framed Klimt print from Elisabeth's company and I got to vaccum up the mess. I'm blogging now while Elisabeth irons. She's also preparing a new dish for dinner tonight: vegetable and cashew currey with sweet potato & coconut milk. I'm not at the bookstore anymore so, alas, no more strange but true tales. *sigh* Anyhow, the flat looks quite nice. It's lighter now without the oppressive weirdness of the orange/pink curtain coated with mold, mildew & water stains.

Finally, a book that EVERYONE should read: Watching the English: The hidden rules of English behaviour by Kate Fox. It's an anthropological study of the British by a Brit. It's well researched & funny & very informative. It's shameful the degree of major faux pas' we've made. And we're still on the first chapter. Who could have known that there were so many intricasies to discussig the weather???

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:51 PM BST
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