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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 14 April 2005
Winging It
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: StacK ATtacK
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
It is almost the weekend, yay! Things that have happened this week: we've discoverd how broke and in debt we still are, so we must cut back on the spending for the rest of the month. Luckily I will be in China this time next week, being treated better then, well ever I expect!

Meanwhile, Stephen being off from the bookstore this week, has been preparing our "poverty" meals, like Chili (8 meals) and pasta. I have been cycling to work, even in the rain yesterday. My supervisor had to dig out the space heater to help dry my clothes. Even though I was soaking wet when I arrived at work, it was a very satisfying know, being right there in the elements.

So this weekend, I think we'll be laying pretty low...

New topic: Spring in England...from what we can see from our non-automotive perspective, the greens are greener than green, the flowers are full and vibrant, and generally people are perkier.

In my last blog I was perhaps a bit unfair to the English, and only presented apsects of the culture that infuriate me. So today for the sake of fairness and balance, here are some things that are good about England:

1. Their commitment to linguistics.
2. Their passion for gardening.
3. They are very careful about their appearance.
4. Their sense of humour
5. A pub every 5 miles.
6. The abundence of green spaces
7. Numerous local farms

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:18 PM BST
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Friday, 15 April 2005 - 6:15 AM BST

Name: jc

I sweeaaaaaar to God your blog is EATING MY FUCKING COMMENTS! I totally posted about receiving the marmalade and can't find it now!!! I am dum.

Yayyy marmalade! Be my lady marmalaaaaaaade.

xxxx thanks kiddies!

Friday, 15 April 2005 - 3:54 PM BST

Name: Stephen

Glad to hear it arrived. Sean's should be in the post. Um, I almost always copy by comments before hitting the continue button. Remeber: after you hit 'continue', you've got to then hit the 'post' button. Otherwise nothing gets posted. But over on this end, everything's been running smoothly.

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