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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 21 April 2005
Belated Blogging
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: BBC news election coverage. All day, all the time. I'm a masochist.
Topic: Stephen Says
No news is good news, so to speak. But no news makes for light blogging, unfortunately. I received a phone call from Elisabeth this morning and she?s landed in Hong Kong safe and sound after a 12 hour flight. I?ve managed to survive her departure with the help of Gene Wilder & Richard Pryor in Stir Crazy. Elisabeth saw Meet the Fockers on her flight.

Um, nothing else. Dell has finally refunded the money that they stole from me. It took two months of stupidity and useless call center workers with a dodgy knowledge of English but the money is back and just in the nick of time, since I had to pay my Visa bill yesterday. Thank God. Now our debts are ones we?ve legitimately accrued.

Nothing else going on. All quiet on the western front.

Elisabeth?s got the digital camera & her company?s decked her out with a modern ell phone with a built in camera, so hopefully she?ll get to a computer in the next few days and post something more exciting than what I?m likely to post.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:43 PM BST
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