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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 7 February 2005
Coffee is wonderful
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: nomeansno
Topic: Stephen Says
blogging in note-form:
1) The computer seems to have magically fixed itself so WooHoo. Plus we're able to run programmes that we never could before so ... what's up with that? As a result, I don't know if we'll be sending She-Bop away to the Dell warehouse. If we don't, Dad; we'll just return your cheque since a little check up will probably only cost a few quid.

2)Happy birthday to Stephen W.! 30 years old? you're a big boy now!

3)Jenn; your marmalade will get sent soon... sometime this week. Maybe. Sean, you'll get yours once E's figured out how to burn DVD's etc.

4) Must go; I've got nothing else to say. Silly computers. Silly, silly computers.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 3:35 PM GMT
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Thursday, 3 February 2005
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: The humming of Flourecent Lights
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

"She-bop", better known as Stephen's Laptop, has fallen ill and will be out of commission indefinetly. We are more broken up about this than you are...believe me. We will report back when the situation is more clear. But suffice to say, the keyboard is not functioning & the motherboard might have to abandon ship.

This message was brought to you courtesy the Photo Album Company :)

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:48 PM GMT
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Wednesday, 2 February 2005
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Stephen Says
I got into an argument with the woman at Barclays Bank this morning because I didn't bring 'additional' identification when I paid my Visa. She demanded to see at least 1 other piece of photo ID (which I didn't have) and I was told that I wouldn't be able to put the money on my Visa. I told her that I refused to leave because it wasn't like I was TAKING money off my Visa so she had to talk to the manager who in turn made me answer a barrage of questions to verify who I was. When I told them that I've never had this problem in the past, I was told that it was "standard" when you pay more than 300 pounds onto your Visa account.

Man, I wish that I had asked them what they would have done if I'd have paid 200 pounds in today and then come back tomorrow and paid the other 125.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:50 AM GMT
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Tuesday, 1 February 2005
Can't think of a title today
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Blogs with photos
Okay, first things first: I've been meaning to post this link that Sean sent me. It gives a pretty good overview of how Royal Holloway sucked. There are more specific things, of course, but this is a good summary without any ranting on my part. Like I'm trying not to start doing right now, sort of.

Today's public service announcement:

Elisabeth took the day off yesterday after twisting her ankle from walking a tad too much in her heels. We'd been to the south for my Nain's birthday and it looks like her shoes needed to be broken in a little bit more. >sigh< The trials & tribulations of being a modern-day fashion icon. Typically frustrating stuff where a bum ankle means you can't get to work because you don't have a car. All her walking was right out and what's the deal with bad ankles & biking? Is it good or bad for them? Better safe than sorry, we thought! So we stayed home and watched North by Northwest.

Other than that, there's nothing else going on! Boo. We're penny pinching because Elisabeth lost 40% of her bonus to taxes (Boo.) and we want to have lots of cash on hand for gay Paris in two weeks (Yay.). I'm looking forward to spending that Micky Mouse currency popularily known as the "Euro" on such things as fromage, vin et une belle, belle baguette sur la rive nord de la Seinne. Oh la la, je devrais practiqer mon Francais! C'est tellement terrible!

Ce soir, nous mangeons du pizza et (j'espaire) on va regarder Rocky; un film que I've been dying to see pour plus de un an! J'espaire que Elisabeth va l'aimer.

Tabarnak! My spelling's terrible!

A couple of weeks ago while visiting Guildford, I tried to follow Alice through the looking glass:

But I found myself still in Guildford with a sore nose.

Elisabeth had a bit more luck with the looking glass trick and found herself in hell:

Oops, no, not hell - that's our entrance hall. Still, it was a neat trick.

Right, Elisabeth's going to be home soon; I've got to get my pizzas made.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:47 PM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 2 February 2005 11:55 AM GMT
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Saturday, 29 January 2005
Fun With Filo
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: BBC Radio 4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Stephen has been having fun with Filo the past 24 hours. Last night he made spinach & feta filo parcels, and tonight he's making a Green Kulbyaka, which is basically a Russian casserole using rice, lentils, onions, mushrooms all baked in filo pastry. MMMMMmmmm lots of butter & smells so good!

For dessrt I will attempt to make chocolate filo truffles. But I've discovered, or perhaps the better word is admitted, that Stephen is the better cook between the two of us, which is fine with me. In genereal I'm a rubbish housekeeper...I did the laundry today and remembered only half way through the cycle to add soap. : [

Now, onto more important things: The Whisky Marmalade contest:

Since our blog host erased some of ourcomments for the contest for answereing the question "why is Stephen calling our Bonzai plant Buckaroo?" we have decided to forfeit that competetion. The answer lies in a fabulour movie (screened in 1984) called Buckaroo Banzai. Check it out. You will NOT be disappointed!


Please submit your favorite filo pastry receipe, and the best tasting dish will be judged the winner of one jar of whisky marmalade, which will be posted to your mailing address free of charge.

We look forward to receiving your receipes!!!!!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:47 PM GMT
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Thursday, 27 January 2005
Good Morning
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Stephen Says
Here's your anti-Bush article of the day.

I've got to get going this morning - the job papers are out. Unfortunately, according to one of Elisabeth's co-workers, the job market doesn't heat up 'til mid-February; once all the companies have gotten their accounts in order after the Christmas chaos and have realized that they aren't about to file for chapter 11.

Damn, Bush was on a role yesterday. This one's got a few gems.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:53 AM GMT
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Wednesday, 26 January 2005
Random blah blah blahing
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: BBC Radio 4
Topic: Stephen Says
It snowed, sort of, this morning. Cars had some white stuff on top of them but the ground was pretty green. No schools were closed, as far as I can tell. It's sad that Britons will never experience tales of winter survival like this one. Ah, the good old days.

If you're in the mood for a pretty well researched anti-Bush tirade, click here.

Meanwhile, England continues to excel with its reputation of culinary greatness and I invite you all to read about the pros & cons of fox hunting. The photographs are priceless.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 4:08 PM GMT
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They said it couldn't be done
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Stephen Says
I changed the guestbook questions at long last. Sorry about that, I know it's been a few weeks.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:50 AM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 January 2005 10:58 AM GMT
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Tuesday, 25 January 2005
What's going on?!
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: The bloody laundry machine
Topic: Stephen Says
First the blog was on the fritz, now I can't access my Hotmail account and the UK Job Center web site is down so I can't look for work! Is it my computer? I doubt it - I've got no problem going to sites I don't care about, but the 3 I want to, no need to go to, arg, I'm gonna start cursing. I'm gonna go put another load of laundry in and go read my book (Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami).

Posted by oz/rexcats at 2:51 PM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 January 2005 10:56 AM GMT
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Topic: Stephen Says
Okay, well the technical problems seem to be over. Angelfire's sent me an e-mail saying that what ever it was is fixed, though comments are still missing and don't look like they're coming back. I've looked into moving the blog to another company but, unless Angelfire keeps screwing up, it's just too much work to shift evrything over. Plus, we've still got tonnes of space to fill up here, so blah blah blah...

Um... I don't have anything to say. Elisabeth said she'd take care of this last night while was out, but didn't. So I'm doing it now.

Here's our vacation itinary for the 1st half of this year:
Next week: South of England.
February: Paris for a long weekend
April: Elisabeth's in Hong Kong/China for 9 days
May/June: We'll fly to T-dot, drive to Mtl, then back to T-dot to fly back with an attempt to get to Newfoundland.

Here's a kick-arse (Look at me, I'm British!) Sandwich:
1 baguette with 1 1/2 tsp olive oil on each half.
Add tomoatoes, another tsp of oil, salt, pepper.
Add smelly-foot cheese, sliced green peppers, black olives & fresh basil.
wrap tightly in plastic then catch the to train to London and eat it in Trafalgar Square at the foot of the National Gallery.
Interrupt only to take some pictures of Americans.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:03 AM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 January 2005 11:01 AM GMT
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