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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Friday, 21 October 2005
In Quest for Endives
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Where can you get endives in England? I can't find them on Sainsbury's online, so I'm going to take a risk and go into town, armed with an endives recipe. Don't worry, I'll bring a back up.

Stay tuned for the outcome...

OUTCOME: Yes, Sainsbury's does have endives, or the closest to it: chickory. So all's ok.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:42 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 21 October 2005 2:39 PM BST
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Thursday, 20 October 2005
Theatre and Religion
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
I started writing a reply to JC's comment on the 18th's entry, but it got too long, so here it is:

That is interesting about people studying with you thinking it doesn't matter if what they study is relevant or not. Because, I've often suspected that theatre and religion have a lot in common: why, didn't they actually emerge from the same thing?? Which was storytelling, dance, and worship of whatever spirits, ancestors, deity, or perceived greater being... As you know it was all one and the same, way back when. Then as things developed the spiritual element and the storytelling element split and developed into concrete forms (but then were joined together by God in a book called the Bible)...on come morality plays, pageants, guild theatres, real theatres, and still the Christmas pageants of today.

(Breathe in some air) All this to say that both the western theatre and Christianity are commonly thought to be irrelevant in this day and age of technology and science. But notice that I only accuse the western traditions of theatre and religion, as in specifically poorer countries, religion and theatre still function and are integral to the culture and society.

Some argue that religion/spirituality is necessary to be a well-rounded, complete person. That you can't experience the fullness of life without it. Theatre I don't think offers the same argument. But it's similar in that it can teach people how not to repeat mistakes, how not to fall into stereotypes, how to look critically at politics, and to be made aware of the personal cost of things. It should create awareness, and therefore a healthier society. So maybe where religion deals with the individual, theatre deals with the community. Only, Christianity has fought hard, tooth and nail to be in charge of community by 1) persecuting the theatre and 2) laying down rules and guidelines, which eventually have been discarded, because they are not healthy (relevant).

I would argue that spirituality and theatre are extremely relevant and necessary to contemporary help ground individuals and to provide reflection on our fast-paced culture. Only, spirituality is commonly available in the form of religion, and theatre is commonly available in the form of commercial entertainment (and really, what is the difference between those two--both out to make you feel good, take your money for profit--while putting on a saintly face)...naughty elisabeth

So it is extremely irritating to hear that your classmates (who are in the higher tiers of education), do not think that it matters if something is relevant or not. Things should always be relevant, and things should always move with the times!


So that's my rant for the day!

Stephen's in Basingstoke for more training, I'm sending applications, register with agencies, and more research on this play.

Finished reading a book called Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga. Semi-autobiographical about growing up in Rhodesia (Zimbabewe) and dealing with western culture interrupting the traditional (patriarchal) way of life. Very well written, and fast read. Now I've got the new Alice Munro short story collection: Runaway. Excellent. Every story is a gem, and always leaves you with a few minor mysteries to work out for yourself.

Anybody got some book recommendations?

Right...gotta go get the job papers...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:25 AM BST
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Tuesday, 18 October 2005
Each Velvety Cheek Day
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
So now, what happened today? It's 8 p.m. and time for a re-cap. Stephen had to be at work for 2pm so we had a leisurely morning, caffinated of course, and then went into town. Stephen paid off his credit card so we're credit card debt-free!! I applied to be a Xmas Temp at a clothing store, which involved filling out the application in a mall coffee/muffin shop with Stephen sitting across from me reading a book and drinking coffee, and giving me good advice when I needed it. When I wasn't finished the application, and the coffee was gone, he left, came back, gave me more advice, and eventually I put down enough B.S. about being a dedicated worker, etc... to satisfy me, and then turned it in.

Now I realize that Xmas Temping in retail does not pay well (ahem, min. wage), but here are the advantages:

1. Discounts on their gorgeous clothes.
2. Not working in front of a computer.
3. Not working in an office.
4. Getting to wear the gorgeous sweaters, skirts, accessories & wearing nice trousers/jeans to work, instead of stuffy button up shirts, wool trouser suits, and clicky heels.
5. Having great stories to tell about the insane demands of Xmas customers.

I also applied to a couple more theatres, and some other office jobs.

This evening I played some piano and some online sudoku. Then I got my ass in gear and did some more research on this play I'm trying to "prepare" as if I were ever to direct it, and read an interesting comparative article by Susan Sontag on "Film and Theatre". Basically many people believe that film will kill the need for theatre, but she argues that instead they are distinct forms, and may even give birth to a new form. But in the end both theatre and film are distinct art forms that are clearly different, and provide different experiences.

The hard part as a person of theatrical persuasion, is how to convince cynics that theatre is relevant, and not the perceived elitist-artsy fartsy, or stuffy and outdated reputation it has. I believe as film is developing, it is also dividing itself into categories like artsy-fartsy films, blockhead blockbusters (equivalent to most Broadway musicals, esp. Andrew Lloyd Webber), and the more challenging and beautiful films (insert your favourite here...mine is that new one with Viggo Mortensen...) which can be equated to quality modern theatre, which reflects today's society.

Anyway, my brain is hurting.

Stephen will be home late tonight as he's at the Woking FC match against Nottingham Forest with some of his residents/outpatients. Tomorrow he will be getting up early to go to London for a training course, and Lord knows when I'll see him again.

Tomorrow I'll spend some time with Debbie (the hog roasting South African babe), and maybe, just maybe have word from any of these jobs I've applied to.

Over and out.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:51 PM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 18 October 2005 8:56 PM BST
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Monday, 17 October 2005
Interesting Article II
Topic: Stephen Says
"The Normalization of Treason, the Republicans' gift to America"

A really interesting article by John in DC

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:22 PM BST
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Interesting Article
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
"If you want people to behave as Christians advocate, you should tell them that God does not exist."

Read this interesting article by George Monbiot.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:12 AM BST
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More Canal Pix!
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Of Montreal
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
First of all, Happy Birthday to Tim, wherever you are!

Now, here are some pictures of yesterday's walk along the Basingstoke Canal:

The changing leaves...

The sign says:


And finally some old railroad wall:

And that's about it.

Have a good day.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:18 AM BST
Updated: Monday, 17 October 2005 9:21 AM BST
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Sunday, 16 October 2005
A nomination for worst blog entry ever.
Mood:  happy
Topic: Stephen Says
So this is what happens when out roles get switched - E takes over the blogging & I go silent. So anyway, in bullet form:

Today: We did a mega walk along the canal, roughly 8 miles in all, and had some drinks at some pubs as well as a quick bite to eat. All very relaxing.

Friday: I got officially confirmed in post (My supervisor's final assessment: "He is good. He can stay."), which pretty much means that it's going to be very hard for me to lose my job. Hah! As a reward, I got to sit in on an area meeting with all the house managers & our area manager. 3 hours later, my brain was mush. I rounded out the day by slamming my head into the bottom of the medicine cabinet & tearing a big chunk of skin out of the top of my head and bleeding all over myself during the night.

Otherwise, it's work, work, work. I can't think of anything too exciting except that things at the house are gradually heating up and, after a quiet few weeks, some serious shit will be hitting the fan. You can see it coming. See? There it is.

I will be starting to bike to work instead of walking it, tomorrow.

I'm off to London on Wednesday to start my NVQ training. It'll take about a year, it's a nursing qualification (Though i have no idea what it means) and, once I've done it, I'll get an insignificant raise.

Then on Thursday, I'll be in Basingstoke for some more training.

Since coming back from Canada, I've become Mr. efficiency at work and it's freaking people out.

Deal with it. Rock'n roll.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:33 PM BST
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Saturday, 15 October 2005
My Lucky Pizza Day!
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Stephen's making pizza, and i'm the luckiest girl in the world. MMMMmmmm... This is all because he's not working this weekend...yay for sleeping in. Woking on a Saturday is something to avoid...too many people is what it boils down to. Nobody cooperates on the sidewalk, or in the mall, or navigating crowded stores. The worst is that no one says excuse me. For instance in Virgin Megastore (Cds/DVDs) Stephen and I were browsing, and buzzards descended expecting us to move away. We were having a conversation and actually looking at some DVDs and weren't ready to move on, and so this guy starts browsing through the titles in front of my leg, uncaring that he was rubbing against it at the same time. As if I were a pillar or a lint brush. A little "sorry can I just see the films under "Kk?" would have been sensible.

Anyway...perhaps tomorrow we'll go to London...depends if we sleep in or not...we'll see.

But we did buy Amelie (one of my favs) and Old School (unseen) with Will Ferrell. Add wine and cider, and you've got another winning Saturday night at the Allins.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 3:45 PM BST
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Thursday, 13 October 2005
BUSY! Oh Help!
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: BBC4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Ok...alarm went off at 7:30am...arg...I dressed in jeans and walking shoes & changed in the mall bathroom into skirt and heels. The interview went very well, but alas I was not impressed with the job...a 6 month contract at 8.5 pounds per hour, is not exactly what I wanted to get into right away. Even so, they were very nice women, the interviewers, and they seemed enthusiastic about hiring me. I thought long and hard...having money soon would be good, but it's not a fun/interesting job, and not good pay to I called the employement agent, and told them no. Also, I asked them to raise my min. hourly rate to 10 pounds. I felt a bit nervous about this, until another agency called that is. They are offering a 10 pound an hour job in Guildford, for a high-corperate company doing general admin. duties. It's another 6 month thing, but at least it would be good experience, and a stepping stone up. So for this interview I had to change clothes again into my tailored shirt & trousers. Now that I'm home, I must do the laundry, dishes and cook dinner. Stephen'll be home at 5pm, but I'm going out for drinks at 7:30 with Innova friends. I am too busy!!


Posted by oz/rexcats at 4:29 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 13 October 2005 4:32 PM BST
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Wednesday, 12 October 2005
Keep on Truckin'
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: should go without saying
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Hello my friends. I've got a pretty good track record of posting blogs now that I'm unemployed ;)

Today I spent most of the day with Debbie (my ex-cooworker/partner in unemployed crime/South African spit-roasting friend) and once home, made a ratatouille, played some more on-line sudoku, and selected the outfit to wear for tomorrow's interview =black skirt, tights, black tanktop with gold beads & heels. Since we don't drive, and I get injuries from walking in this pair of heels (my only pair--2.5 years old now), I'm still trying to figure out how to get into town on my bike (unless it's raining, and then where to I'll be setting the alarm tonight...

yes, Stephen is working again...

That's about it...cherioooo

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:06 PM BST
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