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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 4 December 2005
Work in Progress
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

See what did I tell ya? Going back to work would effectively kill off the regular blogging!

Be right back...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:14 PM GMT
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Thursday, 1 December 2005
Morning Folks!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Stephen Says
This was the conversation E&I had on the way to the pub last night:

ME: You know, our blogging has really fallen by the way-side.

SHE: Well you're the one who's not working right now. It's your responsibility.

ME: Oh.

So here's me blogging for a little bit about random things over the last few days. Feel free for your eyes to glaze over right... about... Now!

So yeah, I've been on annual leave for a few days, just sort of relaxing & unwinding, getting caught up on a few things (But not really). The main purpose for this block of time that I took off (Aside from not wanting to get burned out at work [which was well on its way to happening.]) was to get a final draft of my MA play done so that I could start submitting it in the new year. I've done a third of it and am just writing up additional scenes, fleshing out characters, and generally improving it. This is, of course, an incredible thing considering that, in my official feedback, I was told 'There is no way that you can improve it.'

Otherwise, it's just grey & dreary. The predicted snow never came and it doesn't seem like Christmas without it.

I've noticed an increase in people wearing Tibetan touques like the one I bought in Toronto this fall (Dare I say that I started the trend?), so I don't look quite so strange but, much to our amusement, we were heckled the other night. Elisabeth was especially impressed by the fact that they were in a car, it was dark and, in the split second between when they saw us and passed us, someone had the wherewithall to shout out "Nice hat!"

Another interesting thing about UKers wearing the Tibetan Touque is that, even though it's like 5 degrees, no warmer - almost 10 degrees outside, women still tie the touque up under their chins.

Very, very strange.

League of Gentlemen is on Saturday and I cannot impress on y'all how excited we are. We're getting a hotel room to stay in London and are bringing the camera. Elisabeth wants to see if she can meet sexy Reese, I want to see if I can meet sexy Mark and so we'll probably end up seeing sexy Steve which will still be a victory.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:31 AM GMT
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Tuesday, 29 November 2005
Interesting Factoid:
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Stephen Says
Being married means that you're not surprised by a sweater in a crockpot in your bathtub.

One more day of annual leave for me. I am quite relaxed, slowly getting things in gear and getting myself sorted out. Just don't remind me that Christmas is just around the bend.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:28 PM GMT
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Monday, 28 November 2005
Lazy Eyes
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Eddie Murphy on Iceburg Radio
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Eddie Murphy is f*%@'n funny....

Went for run this morning with my cheap primark jogging pants falling down...will have to get a better pair...yes, from Primark again...sooo cheap!

Work's good...tomorrow I'm going on the bus to Woking again...this time with my wallet.

Stephen's drawing some very good creatures right now. I'm spacing out...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:33 PM GMT
Updated: Monday, 28 November 2005 9:34 PM GMT
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Sunday, 27 November 2005
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Aphex Twin - 26 mixes for cash
Topic: Stephen Says
Yep. We drank too much last night. Or, to be more precise, Elisabeth drank way too much last night. It was a big South African style 40th birthday party and, what seemed to be a rather mature, adult night out turned into Elisabeth dancing up a storm, and myself singing that bloody embarassing Queen 'supersonic man out of you' song.

...Don't stop me, don't stop me, oh, oh ooohhh...

It was good that it was a celebratory sort of evening because I'm now this deputy manager kinda guy, which means that I've got more work to do that a really over worked kinda guy. So what have I done? Taken some annual leave.

Our plans to take a day trip to Bath are cancelled.

We are hung over and all the eggs are rotten. Or at least rotten looking. Do you have any idea what this is doing to me? All I can eat is olive bread with cheese roulade. Elisabeth is going on about making mashed potatoes for breakfast (Something which I am going to have absolutely nothing to do with.)

I have just realized that this time next month, Christmas will be over and I am way behind in everything.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:24 AM GMT
Updated: Sunday, 27 November 2005 10:31 AM GMT
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Thursday, 24 November 2005
USA--Gobble gobble gobble
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: BBC4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

It's 8am, so will keep this short.

Yesterday Stephen did a 13 hour shift. He's doing extremely well at work, but has been told he needs to cut down on his swearing. Is anyone surprised?

When Stephen got home I was already asleep in bed as I had crawled in early for warmth while I read the Roman history of Spain. It was so freezing in our flat last night that even with the heat on, 2 duvue's and a sheet, fully clothed, I was still COLD!

Anyway, I got lots of sleep and feel ready for work.

After today, Stephen's not working for a week! (almost) so get ready for more blogging!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:11 AM GMT
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Tuesday, 22 November 2005
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Fats Waller - something or other
Topic: Stephen Says
Well, it looks like I've been made deputy manager pretty much preminantly. Sorta. I think. I'm tired and I think I need some clarification, which I'll get soon enough. I'm holding off on the celebrations for the end of the week as I've got some annual leave coming up and the scope of my duties will be more clear in a few days.

Went to the Woking football match tonight and it was called off shortly after the start of the second half on account of fog.


You couldn't see 20 feet in front of you. The players would just sort of run into the mist and disappear and then the soccer ball would pop out in the direction of a very surprised goalie. It was like some crazy battle in an epic movie that's directed by Ridley Scott, with everyone at the stadium heckling the referee for being such a twit.

All kidding aside, it's pretty chilly here. They're even expecting snow at the end of the week. The best thing about the morning frost is that all the spiderwebs are coated in it and look like they're made out of silly string. But pretty. I keep on meaning to take pictures but mornings for me are pretty rough. I cannot function without at least 3 cups of coffee (Or Earl Grey, as that it my current obsession).

Got a 13 hour day that I put myself down for a month ago and forgot about but at least it'll allow me to get caught up on some things.

Oh, and only 11 days untill we see The League of Gentlemen live!!!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:34 PM GMT
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Tonky Tuesday
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: BBC4 -
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
What's going on eh?

Tonight I sit and eat pesto alone, as Stephen's working the evening shift. Last night we saw Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire...pretty good...long...and infects your dreams. Malfoy's such a loser.

Today I took the free Tuesday lunch bus into Woking town centre, mostly to post letters, partly just out of curiosity. The bus was full, and we had 40 min. to roam free in Woking. When I got to the post office, I discovered I had left home without my wallet. bummer. Only 3 pounds on me, need to buy lunch, and achieve some letter sending, or else my main reason for coming into Woking would be unfulfilled. What to do, what to do?

So I compromised and sent the most important letter. Then I realized I had my passport with me, and wasted 10 min. in the bank proving identiy. I got some cash (yay!), then on my way to Sainsburys, I was walking up some stairs and my heel caught the inside seam of my trousers and I completely fell onto the ground. Not very inconspicuous in the town square at lunch time. It may have looked something like this:

(Yes, that's Dubbya.)

Anyway, by the time I'd bought a sandwich & a jar of pesto, I had 1 min. to get back to the bus.

What a dork I felt.

Anyway, work's going really well. They've expressed a desire to keep me on, and told me not to worry about not being signed on after the temp. contract expires in Jan. And that's very reassuring.

So now I've got a few hours to chill out, and then go to bed early. Tomorrow my manager is picking me up at "half seven" to drive to the company's warehouse in Kent. Should be an interesting day.

Otherwise, nothing doing. I wish someone else had a blog I could read....anyone anyone?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:02 PM GMT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 November 2005 7:07 PM GMT
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Sunday, 20 November 2005
Weekend Magic
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: David Francey: Skating Rink
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

As we approach the end of the month and the most important payday before Christmas, I feel a lot of anticipation in the air. Lots of Christmas drinking plans on both our work fronts, the League of Gentleman pantomime in a couple of weeks, delicious baked goods and cozy times in pubs with roaring fires. I think I love winter. This past week has brought Surrey and many parts of England its first frost. Every morning gives the appearance of a light snow as roof tiles and leaves are all etched in white frost. It was especially rewarding this morning when I forced myself to start running again (I had a holiday from exercise and moderate consumption of alcohol whilst Tim & Vicki were here). It was sharp and crisp air that was keeping my legs moving, let me tell you. But with the quiet Sunday morning streets shrouded in mist and frost, it was quite well worth it.

Had a good day on Friday on the training day to Saffron Walden. My co-worker and I had no problems getting the 6:32 train, and thought we had plenty of time to catch the train just after 8am from Victoria Stn in London. But as it happens, there was a cable fire at Clapham Junction and all train services in and out of Waterloo Station were cancelled. So we lost a lot of time waiting, busing to Wimbledon tube station, and transfering up Vicotoria. But once on the train and into Essex, my breath was taken away. Once out of Bethnel, Hackney, and the London sprawl, the countryside with its rolling hills, grazing cattle, inconspicuous spires piercing the horizon, and postcard villages was just stunning. Of course it helped that it was frosty again and the sky was a sparkling blue.

But I shouldn't have blown my appreciation just yet. We left public transport at a place called Audley End. We took a cab which drove us through more stunning rolling fields, and finaly I was defeated when we drove through Saffron Walden. WOW. I'm definetly bring Stephen back with me. Perfectly maintained old village with knooks and cranneys, inviting restaurants and pubs, with no sign of neon lights or pretentiousness. I'll just have to post pictures the next time we go.

The actual training was interesting and I feel much more confident about my job now that I know what the hell a flux and solder are! Also, I learned a lot about central heating systems and how easily they corrode and fail, in addition to how easily it is to prevent this by using the companies products. Yup, I'm a convert.

Instead of heading straight home, I walked around London a bit, bought a new journal, saw a free art exhibit in a brick vaulted rooms built underneath the bridge by Waterloo, and headed back to Woking where I ordered Chinese takeaway.

Here's a pretty bad snapshot of the moon in London on Fri. night:

Stephen is doing his super shift weekend so he was sleeping over at work on Friday and is working both Sat. & today.

So on Sat. I took 6 bags of unused clothing to Oxfam, did the shopping, went to the library and got a book on the history of Spain, in anticipation of our Feb. trip (hopefully to Spain). And frankly I feel quite satisfied.

Today, more chores, and trying to get out heating system to work. It's freezing in here!!!!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:27 AM GMT
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Saturday, 19 November 2005
Oh God.
Topic: Stephen Says
I cannot beleive that this is real.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 3:57 PM GMT
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