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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 20 December 2005
Blogger Heads
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: BBC4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
I can't believe that Stephen hasn't blogged! He's had two days in a row now where he didn't' have to work until 2pm. I mean really, we're at blogger heads about this.

So I'm guessing that many of you are thinking about Christmas, perhaps about to hit the road or sky or rails, and I can honestly say I prefer my own plan to just stay right here on my touchkin. I even forget Christmas is only a few days away, and that's so refreshing!

In other news, we had a relaxing trip down to Dorset where we lunched with Stephen's family. It's just gorgeous in the New Forest, all frosty and silent...whoo whee!

Work has been really pleasant this week with way fewer phone calls and a chance to work through the backlog of credit notes & collections I inherited. Tomorrow is a team training day in Guildford followed by a few hours of free time and then dinner at Cambio, apparently a very nice restaurant. Having nothing to wear of course, I took advantage of Debenham's extended X-mas hours and bought a nice skirt after work. I also then stocked up on food to tide us over the weekend.

Otherwise, not much doin'---looking forward to my 10 days off! Stay tuned to this blog!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:10 PM GMT
Updated: Tuesday, 20 December 2005 9:13 PM GMT
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Saturday, 17 December 2005
The Poop
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: BBC4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Why does our blog have an advertisement for deodorizing your poop?

Last night I smoked too much, swore too much, and danced too much. BUT I managed my alcohol very well. So the office xmas party was very insightful & fun. People say they see me in a different light now...what? what did I do?

I had to call Stephen when I got in, and got a groggy hello at 1:30am...poor sod...had to sleep in at work last night.

Anyway---today is chore day...must get a move on.

}}}}}}}}}Later on{{{{{{{{{{

Back from chores. It's lovely sunny, brisk day and it's good to get fresh air.

Three things in particular have spiced up the day:

1. I got carded at Sainsbury's buying cider & wine.

2. There was a man on Oriental Road with his leaf blower who blew all the leaves from his driveway into a large pile on the road. Didn't bag. Nothing. Just a big pile of leaves on the road. I felt very lucky to be present as the first car drove through the pile & dispersed the leaves back to their original location, while in the process almost loosing sight of the road & swerving all over the place in order to find an end to the cloud of leaves they unwittingly stirred up.

3. On my return journey from the dry-cleaners, a car hit the sinking pothole on Oriental road that was filled with water. Splash and my leg's soaked. Luckily drycleaners have learned to cover the clean clothes with plastic.

Stephen'll be home soon & I've planned for an Italian night c/o Elizabeth David. We'll have Fennochio, radish & cucumber insalata, followed by Spaghetti all'olio, aglio e saetini with a side serving of spinaci con uvetta (spinach with sultana & pinenuts) more green olives with pimento & an olive pave.

So hopefully Stephen can relax this afternoon as tomorrow we're taking off on a trip to Dorset.

In regards to Extra Virgin Olive Oil---does anyone have a particular brand to recommend?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:15 AM GMT
Updated: Saturday, 17 December 2005 2:21 PM GMT
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Thursday, 15 December 2005
Warm & Warmer
Mood:  happy
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Stephen is installing our new toilet seat, and it's only 9:14am. I'm not at work yet because I have a Dr.s appointment for prescription renewal & so I am sitting in awe of a man who can change a toilet seat first thing in the morning. We'll post a picture of the new lid I'm sure...

Yesterday I trotted down a street not too far away to check out the Italian food store...and boy, what an NDG moment! A little Ma & Pa shop with all the pasta, fresh veggies, cheese, olives, pannetonne, biscotti and wine that one could wish for...and they have black beans! Something not even Waitrose stocks over here.

So we were outfitted with some olive oil, black beans and some olives with pimento--seriously yum.

Oh, and god bless Magical Dehumidifier...not only are our windows condensation free and the air cleaner, but it actually emits warm air, so it's actually warm in our apt!! Something to be truly grateful for...

Ok--the Dr. awaits.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:20 AM GMT
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Wednesday, 14 December 2005
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: A religious debate on yep, you got it: BBC radio 4
Topic: Stephen Says
So this is what a new dehumidifier will bring: re-arranging the upstairs, throwing out trash, tidying up, vaccuming, ironing, dishes, dishes, dishes!

Tomorrow I'm going out to buy a bunch of things to spruce up the flat. Kitchen things, mostly, shelving, get the dry cleaning taken care of, take out the recycling, buy some coat hooks, etc, etc, etc.

E&I have agreed not to exchange presents this Christmas; just get the flat in shape and make it a little more livable and a little less weird.

We will succeed on the first and fail on the last, I believe.


I'm expecting to hear from the landlord tomorrow, telling us that we're being given our one month's notice.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:43 PM GMT
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Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: BBC4 - The News
Topic: Stephen Says
Yep, our 100 pound moisture reducing machine has arrived and is sucking away all traces of humidity in the flat.

No more misty windows, mouldy walls & ceilings, or expanding & buckling window panes.

And as I type this, in comes Elisaeth home from work early with delicious olives and a Christmas card for mom, with our Christmas present in it.

Thank you mom, you just bought us a dehumidifier!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:45 PM GMT
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Sunday, 11 December 2005
And now, a much better entry
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Stephen Says
Alright, After E's seriously bizarre attempt at blogging, here are my two cents the decipher what she was on about:

Yes, I have been busy, busy, busy. Yes, I meant to get back on the ball with so many things this weekend, yes, I was sick 4 times yesterday after my night out, no, I have not gotten on the ball with anything.

Friday was the Snowdon Christmas piss up. I was threatened with expulsion from the pub for wearing my touque. A female co-worker of mine then wore it and wasn't threatened with anything. They tried to kick E out for dancing on a stool. Then we left and went to, possibly the coolest dance club in Woking.

How cool was it? So cool that for the last 18 months that we've been saying "We've got to give Vamps a try," I feel rather foolish. It was the same useless tripe that all of Woking has to offer. Except more stuffy.

So then me, and some of my collegues staggered back to the flat to crash for the night. E had very kindly set the place up for visitors but not before pissing herself on the way home.

Hey, was I allowed to type that?

I was woken of by the fuel explosion in London this morning - I actually thought it was an earthquake at the time but it didn't last long enough for it to be a proper earthquake.

Starting from this morning we watched the plume of smoke hover over Woking, before descending on us.

Nothing else to say, really. We've been to the French market & have tried to buy a dehumidifier but you can't get one in all of Woking. Our apartment is slowly rotting all around us and it's making us very paranoid. It's making Elisabeth far more paranoid than me, though.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 3:16 PM GMT
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Help I Can't See!
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

I can't breath, I can't see...HELP!!

Look at the sky:

It's the end of the world!!

We're also fighting hangovers from Stephen's work's Christmas night out on Friday. Boy---how many times did you puke Stephen??

Next Friday's Elis's work's Christmas do---and then it's time to drink some more.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 2:59 PM GMT
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Thursday, 8 December 2005
Topic: Stephen Says
Just so busy.
Will be less busy this weekend.

Oh, and London is smelly, dirty & filled with terribly rude people. This morning I realized that, if it weren't for the fact that London is always like this, a person would think that some kind of disaster had just occured.

Ugh. I'm tired, too.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:17 PM GMT
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Holy Mouldy!
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Stephen woke up and started listening to Grand Buffet, blasting such hits as "Cool as hell" and "Benjamin Franklin music". Sigh. He's on his way to some training in London today.

I should really get ready for work soon, but first, let me talk about dampness. Do you know what a damp and cool climate + a shitty heating system in a flat breeds? Condensation, dampness & mould...yuck! We've tried battling the mould & have bought a squeegie, but really, it just comes back the next day. Will we have to deal with this all winter?

Right--have a good mould-free day!!!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:09 AM GMT
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Tuesday, 6 December 2005
Wine, cake & garlic bread--and pasta
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: Too Much too Handle
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Stephen is my favorite today: unexpectedly not on for the night shift, he cleaned the house, did the dishes & bought wine, cake, cookies & garlic bread. Now he's playing air guitar. What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man...

Workity work work work work a haircut today...learned how to get "hyper curls" a bit too much for me. My hair and I simply prefer to be au natural....

Did some singing...hit low C & high C at two different times...but could not repeat. Fun with Les Mis & Phantom..."Oh my friends, my friends!!! Don't ask me, what you're sacrifice is for!"

I've really got to "get out" more....

There's an interesting Oxfam campaign where they organize fundraising trips to like Mt. Kilamnjaro, South America or Vietnam, where you raise a certain amount of money to be able to go and visit the Oxfam projects & hike around...looks interesting, and maybe before going back to Can-duh we'll do it...

blurp---need more wine.....

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:01 PM GMT
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