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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Thursday, 2 March 2006
Topic: Stephen Says
Words can't describe it. just CLICK HERE and be amazed.
(Note: you'll want a braodband connection for this sucka)

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:00 AM GMT
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Wednesday, 1 March 2006
Pros & Cons
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Devo - Greatest Hits
Topic: Stephen Says
Some good and bad stuff going on: Good: Things are picking up at work and it's a lot more like how it was hen I started. Bad: More stress but the good kind of stress.

It looks like I'm back to acting deputy once again as The Boss will be at another project for the next 3-6 months. I actually had the chance to go over to the other project, which would have been a good learning experience as I would have seen taken part in setting up a residence the Maca way but at the same time, the trek would have been a nightmare and I would have missed my little home away from home. Anyway, the powers that be decided I was to stay where I am. The Good: I get to boss people around again and make more money. The Bad: More stress - the bad kind of stress.

This is a real ad that I now (roughly) transcribe for your enjoyment:
'No ordinary chop shop, Cut throws in some 21st century trimmings with its haircuts. Based on a concept pioneered in Japan, everything is designed to be hassle-free. The walk in service means there's no need to make a booking and the large digital screen estimates the time you'll have to wait until you're in the chair. Payment is by machine so that the experienced stylists can concentrate on what's important - giving you good service & a quality haircut. Equipment is meticulously sterilized, and The Cut Hair Removal System ensures you'll head off without an itchy neck.

Cut, next to platform 1 in Euston Station.'

Sounds to me like Hell. Mainly for the poor saps who have to work on their futuristic assembly-line. And for the people who realize that the 'estimated haircut time' is about as reliable as your alcoholic ex-husband is at paying his child support on time. Or that the CHRS (Do I have to put a (c) after it?) sounds like the kind of machine that could suck off a woman's clothes (In a Blake Edwards movie) or a man's flesh (In a stephen King movie) at the flick of a switch. Most dodgy of all of course, is that it's located in a train station.

Anyway, I've got a coupon for a free hair cut from the place. Anyone interested? I'll post it to you, free of charge.

Although I wonder if presenting the card to the hairdresser (and not the machine that takes your money) will completely shatter the poor sod's concentration and he'll lop off your ear ala Mr. Blonde...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:20 PM GMT
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Monday, 27 February 2006
3 for 3
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Elisabeth upstairs doing show tunes.
Topic: Stephen Says
Today's been totally lazy for me and I've managed to relax. So lazy that we were supposed to go out and see Good night and Good Luck but just couldn't be arsed to. In fact, I've managed to succeed in not getting dressed today. Huzzah!

So with absolutely nothing to report, here's a link to a good blog to read and a pretty scary entry. LINK.

E&I are going to watch The Office now.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:39 PM GMT
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Sunday, 26 February 2006
More Blah
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Tom Waits; all the songs we have on random
I'll try to make more sense than yesterday. But I've come off my 2nd 13 hour day in a row and am pretty sluggish. Picked up a bottle of wine from the Co-Op on the way home only to discover, once I was home, that the label is also written in braille, which is pretty cool.

I tried to watch the gold medal hockey game but only got through the 1st period. Sure, I had to work but it was too painful to listen to British announcers butcher the play by play. On top of repeatedly mixing up the players names, there were long periods of extended silence and a bizarre obsession with constantly pointing out that the referee was also an NHL referee, as though that's something that's even remotely important to the game. They also kept calling 'break aways' 'break outs' which was generally irritating. Overall, just too irritating to bother with even though it was an actual to goodness good match.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:56 PM GMT
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Saturday, 25 February 2006
A REAL update from Stephen
Mood:  down
Now Playing: Animal Collective
Topic: Stephen Says
Right, well I'm about to drop. Today turned into the day from hell & was the longest, most tedious day so far. But I'll get to that later.

As some of you may know, I've been a tad (i.e., VERY) stressed out about a bunch of trumped up sexual harassment charges against me. Against a male member of staff. Who has met Elisabeth. Twice. But still will not believe that I'm heterosexual. Anyway, I was officially cleared of any wrong-doing yesterday and it's been generally agreed that being homophobic is pretty shitty and that using your homophobia to slander a heterosexual collegue (Who you know is heterosexual) for your own personal gain is pretty shitty, too.

Long story short: A 6 month long chapter of bullshit that I've had to deal with is, at long last over, thank God. And I'm sorry if the language is strong but let's see how you feel if an incompitant mother fucker is making light of serious charges (ie, sexual harassment) against you to save his own incompitant ass.

damnit, I wish I could say more. If interested, e-mail me at...

So yeah, today was horrible - possibly the most stress-filled day of my working career. Delusional people are the worst. Not that they're delusional, but that they're determined to impose their version of reality on others to safe-guard their own version. Damnit, I can't explain it other than I had to do this crazy (!) alternation between fun, efficient and evil all at once and, at the same time, almost have to section someone under the Mental Health Act, which is a big deal that you can't take lightly; especially when they're so delusioal that they're under the impression that what they're doing is safe and sane.

But I'm sorry; you CANNOT wash electrical appliances in the dishwasher and expect them to work once they've dried out.

Or expect them not to be a fire hazard.

That, on top of ambulances, paramedics and my own raised voice driving their paranoia levels sky-high (Not a good thing with people who are actually STRUGGELING with paranoia), my day was pretty shitty...

And then the fire alarm went off. Again and again and again.

I know it doesn't make much sense but tust me, it was pretty horrible. I'm struggling with a cold and haven't been feeling well to top it off and I need time to get my energy back.

Anyway, I'll end it here because I'm not explaining anything very well so whatever.

Deal with it.
Rock'n roll.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:45 PM GMT
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Thursday, 23 February 2006
White Winter
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
It finally snowed today! YAy! Lots of white fluffy flakes that eventually stuck to mortified cars.

I didn't realize it until I left work & everything look like a frosted shredded mini-wheat!

I think this weekend is going to be a BIG CLEAN & shopping event.

Tomorrow's Friday, and casual day has been cancelled. 2 people from head office are coming for a meeting.

Stephen's working a late shift so I'm just chilln' like a villin'.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:15 PM GMT
Updated: Thursday, 23 February 2006 9:14 PM GMT
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Wednesday, 22 February 2006
In Need of Discipline
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: BBC4- Ant & Dec are not gay
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Yo---anyone still there? It's been a few days now since our last blog & it's getting extraordinarily ridiculous.

So we've just been chilling out...Stephen got drunk last night, we're enjoying watching The Office (Ricky Gervais). Painful, but great.

Well it's payday today, and even with going to Barcelona, we just can't seem to spend all our money, which is just shocking, shocking.

We're preparing for the visit of Stephen's mother Susan on the 8th of March: 2 weeks away!

Today I found a bottle of champagne under my desk...someone's left-over from Christmas that I might just take home...and I had a dream that I stole a car with one of girls from accounts.

Otherwise, we're enjoying drinking smoothies & eating pasta asciutta.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:44 PM GMT
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Saturday, 18 February 2006
Stephen's smoothie recipe
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Royksopp - Melody A.M.
Topic: Stephen Says
1 cup unsweetened soy milk,
1/2 cup of orange juice,
1/2 cup of plain yogurt,
2 bananas,
3 tbsp honey,
(Other fun things to add: 1 tbsp of vanilla or a sprig of mint)
A handfull of berries,
and two of any desired fruit(s),
Makes enough for 3 people or two people who want to drink lots of smoothie.

This past week's fruity focus has been on kiwis, nectarines, peaches & strawberries. Past hits have involved blueberries & raspberries. I want to try a mango but am intimidated by the fact that I've never bought one; let alone prepared one.

It has been a very quiet week, all told. We're fighting off colds and are looking forward to not doing a heck of alot.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:49 AM GMT
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Thursday, 16 February 2006
Oh No!
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: The Beatles
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
No! Cat Power has been cancelled b/c of ill health!


Feeling a bit under the weather today...but I think Stephen's grocery shop will perk me up: Pita pizzas & champers....

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:50 PM GMT
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Tuesday, 14 February 2006
...and in conclusion
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Still Skinny puppy, still Last Rights...
Topic: Barcelona 2006
I just realized that there aren't any pictures of Elisabeth enjoying Spain.
So here are two.
Hopefully she won't be too pissed off about this in the morning.

This is her on top of Montjuic (sp?) in front of the MNA (I think)(And I don't know what MNA stands for in the first place):

And here's her on top of Montserrat near the cathedral. Hopefully this picture will show just how massive the whole thing is (Something the other pictures just don't do justice):

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:25 PM GMT
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