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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 17 May 2006

Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

We are tired. But happy. Last night we saw The New Pornographers in London, with Spoon and enjoyed our first music concert in 3 years. Yikes.

Stephen slept in at work the night before and is extra tired, although he secretly likes it.

Tomorrow's thursday and soon it's the weekend.

More blogging and maybe pics soon.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:03 PM BST
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Sunday, 14 May 2006
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Basement Jaxx - Kish Kash
Topic: Stephen Says
Been a bit of a busy weekend so far which has meant that we've done nothing about our pig-sty of a flat. We'd tried to defer the holy cow how exciting act of cleaning to today but I officially can't be arsed. Doing the dishes strung me out a little too much and did I mention that I just shaved for the 1st time in a week? Phew! Too much.

We went to this BBQ on Friday night which was kind of freaky because when we heard 'BBQ,' we thought 'party' and even though the word 'BBQ' was spoken over and over again, we were thinking 'yep, partay.' So then E&I show up with some other folks & it's a BBQ and not a party. Except that we didn't realize that until the next morning and were thinking things like 'so that's why everyone kept telling us to be quiet.' And 'so that's why everyone was gone home by midnight and the other housemates seemed so irritated that we had no intention of either going home or going to bed.'

Anyhow, E&I (Rather, I) were on best behaviour... Other thn a mild bout of kleptomania, we weren't the one barfing or stealng food (Though we can't claim 100% innocence with regard to the, erm, booze). And Elisabeth has pointed out than, in about the space of a month, she has slept in the same bed with 3 of my co-workers.

Needless to say, yesterday was a little bit hairy... Our driver had to pull over on the side of the road to be sick while taking us back and we've now got sick in the gardens around our flat thanks to someone else but, after a couple of Neurofen and smoothies all around, we were able to be a little more alive and book theatre tickets and make it into London where we meandered around the south bank and ate pizza on a terrace by the Thames.

In the end, we saw Crooked at the Bush which was pretty fantastic. Brilliant acting all around and a pretty good, I guess, I don't know these things, slamming of evangelism. E&I haven't had our usual post-match analysis of it so my thoughts are still pretty all over the place. It had a really good mental health / self harm angle going with it as well which is weirdly relevant to my life right now. Also, there was no damn intermission which made my day. For that alone I'd reccomend it to anyone and everyone.

Bleah, I lost interest in this blog entry a long time ago, I want to get a few papers and go to the pub.

To be continued, maybe...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:46 PM BST
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Thursday, 11 May 2006
Early To Bed...
Mood:  happy
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Going to bed at 10pm...too many vivid dreams last night and Stephen kicking John Wayne in his sleep.

We had veggie bangers & organic mash with organic gem lettuce salad. Then I made a chocolate cake from scratch. Ran out of icing sugar, so made make-shift icing instead...never a good idea. Strawberry, cream cheese and yogurt? Don't try it at home, or anywhere for that matter.

Tomorrow's Friday already and we've a Bo BQ to keep us occupied in the evening.

Bought a new book: The Ethical Travel Guide: Your Passport to Exciting Alternative Holidays. Very interesting to learn for instance that for resorts in Goa, the local residents have access to running water for only 2 hours a day in order for the resorts to provide the kind of holiday that appeal to wealthy tourists.

We'll see where the road takes us.

It's offically hot & I almost got my first sun burn today. I realize I must buy a cover-up for the beach as I will not survive otherwise.

Finished reading On Beauty by Zadie Smith. There are certain similarities to White Teeth, and it's the same kind of family drama and humour, so enjoyable, and not too radical.

And that's about it mates.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:17 PM BST
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Wednesday, 10 May 2006
For the sake of it
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Stephen Says
So what make me and the manager run to the poster on the wall that offers us learning & development courses? The horrible, horrible discovery that all these temporary promotions will now be made perminant because the boss is actually leaving. So now we'll be taking management-style training. Which is pretty scary because all I ever wanted was a job that wouldn't make me so bored that I'd become suicidal and that would allow me to, I don't know, slack off and engage in hedonism. Well, we'll see...

(That anti-vomiting post looked like I was spazzing out but I wasn't. I was just trying to be, uh, managerial. Hence my need to take those training courses...

So it's work, work, work this week and nothing fun. There's a BBQ this weekend and maybe some theatre in London. There's a play in London that we're thinking about seeing about "religious nutters" that looks interesting so we'll see...
The other option is a play about pedophiles that we've been meaning to see and is ending its run...
Otherwise, summer has hit This Sceptered Isle quite pleasantly and its beer gardens are calling...

PS - Stephen Colbert in transcript.

PPS - _REAL_ Stephen Colbert related breaking news!!!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:23 PM BST
Updated: Wednesday, 10 May 2006 10:23 PM BST
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Tuesday, 9 May 2006
Stephen Colbert...Denied!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Remember Stephen Colbert's press conference video where he slams Bush to his and his cabinet's face?

(If not, see link below)

Stephen Colbert info & video link

Well it's in the news today that C-SPAN has made two websites remove the video, see article

Silence Stephen Colbert

This means, it's all the more important that you watch it, share it with friends.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:29 PM BST
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Saturday, 6 May 2006
Topic: Stephen Says
Enough about Stephen barfing stories!!!
Or post yours here.
Or, even better, DON'T!!
I'm all grown up now, yuh hear?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:45 PM BST
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blah blah
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Bad Religion - Stranger Than Fiction
Topic: Stephen Says
Well, Elisabeth don't lie - I've just gotten back from a long time away at work and I'm suitably disgusted by the imminent arrival of Starbucks. On the other hand, I'm happy to say that, thus far, 1,100 hand prints have been collected this week, leaving a mere 138,900 hand prints to go before before Woking can be oh so gloriously entered into the Great Book of Guiness.

This is scary.

So we've picked up the 1st season of Green Wing... I reccomend that all you who aren't able to watch it on TV or buy it on DVD to start downloading episodes... It's kinda like League of Gentlemen except it's in a hospital not a village. And it's basically a sex farce as opposed to a horror.

A big tut-tut goes out to Elisabeth for not constantly saturating our blog with praise to Stephen Colbert.

I suppose my Motorhead t-shirt has, mildly, had the diesired effect that I wanted it to - coming home today the homeless and/or man with mental health problems I pass by all the time and say hi to shouted out 'highway 66!' 'Motorhead!' at me and gave me that heavy metal sign (The devil? The crane?? What's it called??? You know - thumb, index, pinkie fingers all up????). I just smiled and said 'hi,' instantly regretting that I didn't shout 'Ace of Spades!' back at him. It still doesn't hide the fact that I'm a 30 year old man groping at the last threads of his youth.

My wedding tie arrived as well. So now I actually own a product that comes from Cyberdog. I fear for my sanity.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 4:56 PM BST
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An Inconvenient Truth
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Today I came across the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" for the first time. Opening May 24, it's Al Gore taking America on Hollywood-style to alert them to the global warming crisis.

See the trailer:

An Inconvenient Truth-trailer

And check out the website (just turn the annoying music off so you can explore!):

Climate Crisis

I wonder if it will work?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:18 AM BST
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Friday, 5 May 2006
Chocolate, Cavas. Cheese and Olives
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: BBC4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Stephen got us a CD/DVD burner! Yay! This weekend I'll explore the world that is technology. Stephen's also on a sleep-in tonight leaving me dangerously alone with the new machine.

So Woking is getting a Starbucks. I just saw the signs "coming soon" "now recruiting". And opening just across from an independent coffee shop (at least I think it is--

Well, just another place to boycott.

It's sunny in England finally! And my limey skin says not a minute too soon!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:26 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 5 May 2006 11:16 PM BST
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Wednesday, 3 May 2006
Wednesday Blogging Stuff
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Totally 80's
Topic: Stephen Says
So I've got 2 days off work and I get a text at 7AM from my boss saying that I need to buy a copy of the Telegraph and turn to page 13 and I will be shocked. So I did. This is the shocking article on PAGE 13. Sylvia is Snowdon's purchaser and arranges all our finances she's really nice and likes us and puts the fear of God into everyone else and, it seems, has quite an interesting criminal background. I kind of like it, actually. It fits with the general vibe of the project and hopeflly she won't lose her job because then we'll have to be nice to people instead of relying her to make poo their pants when we need to kick some ass.

Your Stephen Colbert link of the day.

Nothing else going on but I did, at long last, buy my tie for all the weddings E&I are going to this summer. Yay.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 4:32 PM BST
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