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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 3 October 2006
This is how our society will break down and turn us all into homicidal maniacs and cannibals:
Now Playing: Danger Mouse - The Grey Album
Topic: Stephen Says
Last night:

I left my jacket at work and we had to stop off there to pick it up which meant that we were nearly on time for the show and not ridiculously early which, naturally, made me spaz out.

I don't like the Barbican or at least, the Barbican crowd. I can't imagine a place (Other than government) that gathers so many pompous people with their heads so firmly up their collective asses. I mean, there's a very fine line between pretentious-art-fag (One of which I reluctantly consider myself)and holy-Mary-mother-of-God-what-kind-of-a-pretentious-freazazoid-of-an-art-fag-are-you and the Barbican crosses that line.

Metropolis, accompanied by the Brandenburg/German Film Orchestra Babelsberg (Yes, that's their real name) was pretty intense. I'm not going to get into it because it really was a you-had-to-be-there kind of event but I will say that, for the 1st time ever, I got completely swept into the emotional whatever of orchestral music at the end of the intermezzo.

And then we headed home and got delayed just outside of Weybridge for 35 minutes due to 'signal difficulties.' A dubious reason if I've ever heard on. I imagine it's train-speak for 'I dunno.'

Anyway, what evolved over that 35 minute period was a fascinating societal breakdown: As people grew resigned to being stuck indefinitely in the train, they started to chat with their friends, not at a whisper but at a regular volume; they talked on their mobiles at a regular volume; some people stood up and meandered around 'for exercise' (Not to walk off nervous tension, naturally). Other people played video games on their phones.

It was so weird. My proposal to anyone out there who cares: A movie about a bunch of British people trapped on a train and, over time, everyone becomes normal. Obviously, it would have to be an experimental/surreal kind of thing (Think: Bunel) but I think it could work. Just give me credit for the idea.

I would love to have known what would have happened if we had stayed put longer. Would people have started talking to stragers? Maybe there would have been a sing-a-long. I am very amused with the thought that all it takes for years of social indoctrintion to fall apart is a half hour in a stationary train car.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:21 AM BST
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Sunday, 1 October 2006
Valkommen et Bienvennue
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Back from Vaxjo today. It was a good, though very short, visit with my mom and friend from high school. My friend and I met up in Copenhagen airport at the train station and rode up to Vaxjo together. As we had caught an earlier train than expected, we had an hour to grab "tva kaffe" (two coffees) before meeting my mom. The flight from London was 1.5 hours, and the train another 2 hours. So all in all, it's like going to Cornwall or Liverpool or something. I was still very grateful to have some Kaffe to revive me.

My mom met us at the station at the appointed time and we headed back to my parent's house which is very cute. I didn't bring a camera this time--not sure why not--so apologies.

It's a typically Swedish yellow and white wood-siding house with a 2nd floor balcony that overlooks the vast front garden. There are two apples, a pear, plum and cherry trees, not to mention the roses and lavender--very pretty. We dropped off our things and walked around town, went inside the cathedral, bought some groceries, and then enjoyed a lovely meal at home.

Saturday we walked around some more, had a Swedish pastry-fest in one of the oldest bakeries in Sweden and then drove out to the Orresford/ Kosta Buda glass factory. We watched two men blow glass, and my! how strong their arms and skilled their hands must be. Very nice to watch.

I was surprised to see the on-going lumber gathering from a freak hurricane that hit the area in January 2005. 30 years worth of lumber fell in one day, and they are still collecting the fallen trees.

We went home, rested, chatted, had dinner, and then this spectacular lighting/thunder storm began which eventually destroyed the TV just as we were starting to watch a movie. The lightning must have hit the antennae because the lights inside weren't affected. But that must be the closest I've ever come to lightning. I felt very electric afterwards I tell you.

This morning, we had a leisurely breakfast and then I caught the 10:12am train back to Copenhagen. The plane was delayed for an hour outside of heathrow where it hovered by flying in loops which really nauseated me. The reason given was that due to rain, flight schedules were delayed. When we finally landed, we had to stand for about 20 min. waiting for a free docking bay. Crazy! Did they just forget about this flight?

Back home, Stephen has very sweetly left dinner prepared and a note explaining how he might be too busy at work (he's sleeping over there tonight) to even call later on tonight. I've tried calling him, but nothing. Sigh. I don't like being away from Mr. Husband, even for just a day or two.

Tomorrow is back to work, but fortunately we have a movie date in London tomorrow evening to see Metropolis with a live orchestra playing the score.

It's good to be back in Woking though. Woo woo!

Happy October--Halloween not too far off now!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:48 PM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 October 2006 12:01 AM BST
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Saturday, 30 September 2006
Aw crap
Topic: Stephen Says
Elisabeth's not here to tell me to stop eating breee-tos and now I'm so full, I'll probably barf.

Typical day in Woking: I had a leisurely morning and thought 'Gee, I'd better go to town - the weather's beautiful.' So 2 minutes out the door it clouded over & started to rain and I didn't have my umberella because I still haven't learned that no matter how hot, dry and clear the sky is, it's still going to rain. So I went to the mall which was a totally brainiac move because every person in Woking as there because, like me, every person in Woking has not realized that every person in England should have an umberella on them at all times.

From then on in, with was scene after scene from Dawn of the Dead with me trying to avoid teenagers bowling people over, posh ladies stomping around like they're invisible and alone and chavs pushing strollers and being generally drunk, fat & stupid and getting in everyone's way.

Bleah, why do breee-tos treat me so bad when I love them so much? Why do I always come back for more?
I am a battered breee-to wife.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:26 PM BST
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Friday, 29 September 2006
Topic: Stephen Says
Elisabeth's in Sweden this weekend visiting her mom and friend so I'm on my own. And what do I do on my day off?

Why work, of course!

But I've wrangled Saturday off (I remember a time when I naively assumed that the average person would expect to have 2 days off a week. I also assumed that it was a cruel and inhuman thing to work 40+ hours over a 4 day period but that was before I worked for a charity...) anyway, I've given myself a fulfilling evening of drinking German beer and watching crap horror films (Land of the Dead [VERY good] and the original The Hills have Eyes [Not so good. I don't think I'm into Wes Craven's style of horror. I've tried to like his politics and nihilism but his execution just doesn't work for me. Romero's everything Craven wants to be and more. Want an example? Try comparing, I don't know, The Hills have Eyes to Land of the Dead.]

Tomorrow I'll watch Infernal Affairs. It's the original Hong Kong version of that new film that's come out wih Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DeCaprio (The guy from Titanic, not the Ninja Turtle) and Marky Mark (No word if his Funky Bunch is also in it). I've been trying to see it for over a year but stupid Blockbuster never has it in.

The end.

PS - I'm reading the Left Behind series on a dare with a mate of mine. Her dad believes in the rapture and is using them to try to stop her being a lesbian and to see the light. I'm reading them because I'm a masochist and they provide bizarre insight into the mind of the evangelical and all the ways that they misinterpret the world. The books are craptastic and I reccomend them to no one.
And just becasue I'm a Youtube junkie, here are the trailers for the movies.
The Hills Have Eyes:

Land of the Dead: how trailers have changed...

G'night, folks!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:49 PM BST
Updated: Saturday, 30 September 2006 1:18 AM BST
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Wednesday, 27 September 2006
Is this how far I've sunk?
Topic: Stephen Says
Last night in our apartment:

Elisabeth: I'm making a shoppong list. Is there anything you want me to add?
Stephen: Bananas and berries.
Elisabeth: You always say that. Is there anything else?
Stephen: Bananas and berries bananas and berries!
Elisabeth: No beer? Pretzels?
Stephen: Bananas and berries!
Elisabeth: You know, I'm getting a little worried about your concern about your health...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:08 AM BST
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Tuesday, 26 September 2006
My turn to bla bla bla
Now Playing: The Streets - A Grand Don't come for Free
Topic: Stephen Says
Really, Elisabeth should be used to my long shifts by now. I don't know what she's thinking. Mind you, I'm not going to push the topic since I got supper cooked for me.

It was worst case scenario at work today - no new manager was hired including the fellow currently acting as manager. This basically puts his and my jobs in limbo as we'll be demoted as soon as a new manager is found. Only thing is, that won't be until January at the earliest.

Ah well, at least I'm still the Greatest Deputy
Manager in the World.

And so that's basically it. There was a modicum of excitement today at work when we thought Tony Blair had resigned. Except he didn't; he was getting all teary-eyed because he was making his last speech at his party conference. Aww, poor old Tony. At least We now know he is capable of experiencing at least 1 emotion, even if it is only self-pity.

The real horror-show was Cherie Blair clapping and crying and generally looking like that killer doll from the Childs Play movies Chucky.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:29 PM BST
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Top Gear
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: BBC 4 (too lame, I know)
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Last night we had the South African queen's son over to help him wade through his Romeo & Juliet assignment. The teacher asked him to write an essay on how the two characters, Romeo & Juliet mature throughout the play, and who matured more. Then, she proceeded to not only provide an example of the essay, but also gave a list of examples of how Romeo matured, including quotes, and then gave a list for Juliet. But he is penalized if he uses any of this work. Thanks very much teacher for using the best answers, and forcing the student to look for the second best examples? Weird. So I'm going to read the play over the weekend (while travelling to Vaxjo) so that I can help him out of this horrible situation. We ended up have a very intelligent conversation about the characters & themes that was worthy of a college level class. High school sucks. Basically.

Anyway, this morning Stephen took off with the garbage & recycling, I wrote some emails, rode my loveley bike to work, worked until 5pm, went straight down town, bought a Boots lunch/dinner (yay for Boots lunch!), and stayed at the YMCA until 8pm. I'm just one small step away from supervising Tues. nights- it's fun.

But I've come back home, and Stephen's still at work. Poor sod. Still at work. It's 8:30pm!

Tomorrow's busy as well-driving lesson and an alpha course (part of the YMCA thing). Looking forward to talking Xtianity!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:32 PM BST
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Sunday, 24 September 2006
On a Happier Note...
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Stephen has started to recover now...I don't envy him to be sure.

Saturday was a more pleasant day for the both of us. I had a driving lesson at 10am, followed by a trip to Weybridge to have lunch with an old co-worker, followed by a hair cut in Woking, followed by picking up MY NEW HYBRID BICYCLE! Stephen had a chilled out day, went into town, grocies, read the paper, and managed to avoid sewage for a whole 24 hours. We had pita pizzas for dinner-yum. Then we watched Clue -which was my first time- and I love Tim Curry. Who doesn't?

Today is Sunday, I think it will be remarkably similar to the day Stephen had yesterday.

Over and out...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:44 AM BST
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Friday, 22 September 2006
I bathed in human waste today
Mood:  smelly
Now Playing: Ministry - Rio Grande Blood
Topic: Stephen Says
Woking got hit by a flash flood and our drainage system failed so the basement at work got flooded by raw sewage (It was up to the door handles). I had to use plastic garbage bins to scoop out the 'water.' We used long sticks to un-block the drains. We lost a bedroom, bathroom and a large section of hallway. We had to cut apart copious amounts of carpet to stop the rot from setting in. We went to the pub.

I am exhausted. I didn't go to bed 'till 1AM last night and had to be up and at work at 6:30AM to set up for these managerial interviews. All I've eaten today is a cheese sandwitch.

I dry heaved for 5 minutes.
I am not happy.
I used my Amazing Managerial Ability to pay myself and my collegue who helped me time and a half because no one should have to go to the pub covered in other peoples piss and shit.
My converse are in the washing machine.
I think I've lost a good pair of Levis, shirt, and other things.
I assert: I am not happy.

I don't know if I want to drink myself silly or just go to bed because a couple of pints and double Jack's and cokes barely had an effect.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:13 PM BST
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Thursday, 21 September 2006
2 crap videos of Rome
Topic: Roma 2006
1) Walking up the Spanish Steps at about 1:30AM during La Notte Bianca. Basically I was trying to caputre the sheer amount of people but I was moving my phone around too much:

2) This is outside the bar where we were drinking. Oe guy's playing the accordian, the other the plates (And a wooden spoon). I couldn't get too close to them because of the volume of people going past me, unfortunately:

Anyway, the quality's crap but I'm working on it. This technological stuff is beyond me. If you can make the videos smaller, they're more fluid.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:11 PM BST
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