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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Friday, 20 October 2006
Now Playing: Nomeansno - All Roads Lead to Ausfahrt
Topic: Stephen Says
It's been a while. My stress levels have been pretty effin' high these last few weeks and I've been slightly comatose with things. I've also been fighting a cold which I've conquered like a Roman centurion.

I need time off real bad. Time off which I won't get until November and E&I have re-scheduled our bike riding plans to actually have a quiet, peaceful week together instead of booking time off and planning things which will run us down even more than what we usually get up to in Real Life(tm). You know the deal, lazy evenings in London 5-stars courtesy of, maybe a day trip somewhere pleasant, but mainly lots of nothing much at all, thank you very much.

So, what's been happening, you ask? Not much, I say. Other than dealing with Elisabeth getting screwed over in Waterloo station, me being (amusingly) questioned about shop lifting in a gay novelty store in London and witnessing a police car chase just outside of Ripley (believe it or not), it's been real quiet:

We've been acting like a married couple - working, coming home, eating dinner and watching DVDs (Our supplement for TV) then going to bed and doing it all over again.

But boring has worked and I now feel better. I think that today was just so hectic, hassley and stressful (pity I couldn't find another h-word [gotta love alliteration {or, in my case, illiteration}]) that my lid blew and I got to spend all day running around, being busy and official and efficient (e.g., spazzing out) that my brain has gone around the dark side of the moon and come out the other end and the pain has gotten so extreme that it's become pleasure again.

The plan: Just keep on Given'r.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:11 PM BST
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Thursday, 19 October 2006
Hey, Wa'append?
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

"Monday, Tuesday...happy days, Wendesday, Thursday...happy days..." and they've all gone by without 1 blog. Shame on us.

But that's because we have been desperately trying to be lazy and do as little as possible. And frankly enjoying it. But give an inch, and we'll take a mile.

Besides work, we've been at home (or in the pub, Tues. night). I've done lots of cooking...made a carrot cake, an apple/pear crumble, and some savory dishes...we've been watching Green Wing Season 2 on DVD, and reading...Stephen's bought a gambling game...oh, and Stephen's growing a massive beard.

Tomorrow I think we'll try out London again, buying the full fare tickets of course, and see if we can't have a good Fri. night out.

Otherwise, nothing doing. Maybe Stephen will blog soon?


Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:57 PM BST
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Sunday, 15 October 2006
Mad as a Hatter
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
More like Elisabeth Rants:

A nice day in London eh?

Well the train took twice as long to get into Waterloo b/c of engineering works (1 hr. instead of 30 min.) and then we had to queue to leave the station because they were checking everyone's tickets. It was really starting to irritate me. Then as I go through, they stop me, and ma'am you will have to come over here. My Youth Rail pass expired last month.

I'm sorry, I say, I didn't know. Can I buy a new ticket or pay for the difference? I'm sorry ma'am. You must give me your rail card pass and id, and that will be a 20 pound fine. I was patient and tried to explain that I made a human error, but it made absolutely no difference. The lady was not interested in even letting me finish my explanation. I then had to buy another ticket for my journey home. I demanded to speak with the manager and he explained that I could appeal the fine. But by that time I was so outraged I was in tears, and still there was no understanding. I got their names and practically hyperventilated through Waterloo station. I mean, GOD DAMMIT! I bought what I thought was a valid ticket, was given no hearing, no leniency, and charged 20 pounds (about 35 UDS or 40 CDN) and lost my ticket, and then had to buy a new one. That's about 60 pounds worth of travel for me to get to London today. Stephen led me the nearest pub and bought me a gin and tonic. Thank you.

I will be appealing this outrageous charge, but unfortunately I can not boycott the only train operater for the area. I depend on their shitty service.

Enough ranting though, I could go on forever.

We then wandered around Leicester Sq, Soho, Piccadilly Circus...Stephen bought some CDs, we ate at Wagamama, watched an Inconvenient Truth, and had dinner around Covent Garden.

Inconvenient Truth does paint a stark picture, and breaks global warming in to easily digestible bite-sized chunks, and even so, is not doom-mongoring. We can all halt global warming in its tracks if only we can alter our own behaviour.

I will have to go into my enviro stuff in another blog, and also why I'm really starting to hate London, and why we can never live in England permanently. I am so fed up.

Well Esther Okodutwa, I've got your name, I know who you work for, and I will try my damnedest to get you fired. Or at least recommend a series of training courses for you.

"Explitive" South West Trains!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:13 PM BST
Updated: Sunday, 15 October 2006 10:05 PM BST
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Too Long in between posting Post
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

How has it been 4 days without us posting a blog? Well quickly, what's happened?

-We've got lots of fruit flys in the house
-I've made my first batch of chutney (apple/onion)
(do you think there's a connection between these two?)
-Stephen's been working hard, of course
-We went to the South Africans on Fri. night for dinner and drinks, which was very relaxing.
-We're still enjoying listening to the Dresden Dolls

I can't think of anything more, but we're off to London soon and will hopefully have something more to say. You know Stephen ususally has some incredible observation or witty account or at least a video clip to post....

I'm off now...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:58 AM BST
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Wednesday, 11 October 2006
11 October Blogging
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

There's silence in the apartment. Of course, outside I can hear evidence of travel by plane, train and automobile. But inside, there's silence.

I feel at peace, especially after last week's turmoil. I've really pared down my schedule, forcing myself to enjoy time at home. Of course having Monday off of work as a sick day, helped me to recurperate.

I tend to get very selfish when I'm exhausted, selfishness seems about with worst path to take to happiness.

Other than feeling zen, I'm going to tutor tomorrow, and maybe have a drama session on Fri. Stephen had a training course in London yesterday (that actually went well for once!). And tonight he's sleeping in at work. I'm fighting the urge to stuff my face, and am going to go read some stuff.

I might have a fraudelent charge for 93 pounds on my credit card. It took me three calls to Barclaycard for them not to hang up on me, and for me to lodge my query. All on a premium rate number. This would be the second credit card this has happened to...what does that say?

Gotta go 'cause I wanna.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:58 PM BST
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Tuesday, 10 October 2006
Topic: Stephen Says
I've been introduced to a fascinating TV show from a couple of years ago called Jam

If you think you're able to handle it, the clip below is from the itroduction to the 1st episode:

It's easy to see why it only lasted one series.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:08 AM BST
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Monday, 9 October 2006
Fast Forward
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: The Dresden Dolls
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

I should be at work. Only, I've crashed and burned and need a day to recover. Last week I found out that I can not have a busy week, fly away for the weekend, work full time, volunteer 2 nights a week, tutor 1 night, and go out 2 other seems do-able on paper. It certaily fit in my day-planner. But I tell you...I'm all loose ends. Only I'm trying to tie them up now.

I started by making myself a sandwich to cheer me up:

I'm glad to say nothing except for work & volunteering will be happening this week.

We're enjoying listening to the Dresden Dolls and having lots of videos to watch and planning a trip to the lake district in rainy Nov. to cycle around go to pubs. We'll see.

Stephen's ususal! But last week, or was it the week before, he managed to make a pasta dish with beetroot and walnuts which was delicious and matched our table:

Later dudes and dudettes...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 2:28 PM BST
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Thursday, 5 October 2006
Now Playing: Tom Waits - Real Gone
Topic: Stephen Says
Just got back from the pub and it's not even 9PM and Elisabeth's already in bed. My stress level is so high that I'm actually concerned for my health. It's team building day tomorrow which should be interesting at least. I'm going to be angry shouty Steve. I need to take time off from work and so does Elisabeth.

But bleah, I'm feeling generally shitty. Been waking up feeling massively hung over and I haven't even had a drop of alcohol. A collegue training to be a CPN had a look at my tongue (???) today and told me 'You're not THAT bad.' Whatever that means.

At least next month we'll be getting our alt country fix seeing Neko Case on the 1st and Calexico on the 5th.

I think we need to see more live music.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:00 PM BST
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Mood:  energetic
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Thruippp! I'm outta control! I've gone into overdrive and I'm exhausted...this is not sustainable! I'm a wimp, an imp, a shrimp, a pimp(le).

I've been on the go every day for a week now. Of course Sweden was fun, seeing Metropolis was cool, then Tues. I went directly from work to the YMCA, then picked up afterwards by the company driver and taken to Guildford for bowling. There's an annual sales meeting so all of the sales reps. are in the area. And isn't bowling a wonderful bonding activity? I slurped down three beers on an empty stomach and bowled in my usual fashion--terribly--a disgrace...then came home-to bed, up again, cycle to work, work (and it's hectic), then had a tutoring session on Romeo & Juliet...into bed early. But now that I'm awake again, I feel like going back to sleep.

Some people thrive on having a busy schedule, especially when it includes fun things. But I can tell I've hit my limit. I need time to read, cook, and play piano. Luckily tonight's free. But I'll be preparing for the first drama thing at the YMCA which is tomorrow.

Stephen is similarly tired. He's working very hard. And doing all of the housekeeping in my mental absence.


Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:21 AM BST
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Tuesday, 3 October 2006
This is how our society will break down and turn us all into homicidal maniacs and cannibals:
Now Playing: Danger Mouse - The Grey Album
Topic: Stephen Says
Last night:

I left my jacket at work and we had to stop off there to pick it up which meant that we were nearly on time for the show and not ridiculously early which, naturally, made me spaz out.

I don't like the Barbican or at least, the Barbican crowd. I can't imagine a place (Other than government) that gathers so many pompous people with their heads so firmly up their collective asses. I mean, there's a very fine line between pretentious-art-fag (One of which I reluctantly consider myself)and holy-Mary-mother-of-God-what-kind-of-a-pretentious-freazazoid-of-an-art-fag-are-you and the Barbican crosses that line.

Metropolis, accompanied by the Brandenburg/German Film Orchestra Babelsberg (Yes, that's their real name) was pretty intense. I'm not going to get into it because it really was a you-had-to-be-there kind of event but I will say that, for the 1st time ever, I got completely swept into the emotional whatever of orchestral music at the end of the intermezzo.

And then we headed home and got delayed just outside of Weybridge for 35 minutes due to 'signal difficulties.' A dubious reason if I've ever heard on. I imagine it's train-speak for 'I dunno.'

Anyway, what evolved over that 35 minute period was a fascinating societal breakdown: As people grew resigned to being stuck indefinitely in the train, they started to chat with their friends, not at a whisper but at a regular volume; they talked on their mobiles at a regular volume; some people stood up and meandered around 'for exercise' (Not to walk off nervous tension, naturally). Other people played video games on their phones.

It was so weird. My proposal to anyone out there who cares: A movie about a bunch of British people trapped on a train and, over time, everyone becomes normal. Obviously, it would have to be an experimental/surreal kind of thing (Think: Bunel) but I think it could work. Just give me credit for the idea.

I would love to have known what would have happened if we had stayed put longer. Would people have started talking to stragers? Maybe there would have been a sing-a-long. I am very amused with the thought that all it takes for years of social indoctrintion to fall apart is a half hour in a stationary train car.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:21 AM BST
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