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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Monday, 6 November 2006
Topic: Stephen Says
Elisabeth wanted to post this entry but she also wanted to read the paper and, since the news (Even if it's yesterday's news) takes precidence, I'm once again monopolizing the blog stuff.

So what news is there? Well;

1) At the end on the month we're going to see Michael Palin read from and talk about his new book on the Monty Python era. Yep, that means that we'll have seen two of the Python's in person now.

2) We've booked tickets to see Colin Towns and the NDR Big Band: Frank Zappa's Hot Licks (and Funny Smells) + It's Later Than You Think featuring Norma Winstone which is super-exciting too. It's a part of the London Jazz Festival and is basically jazzy big band renditions of Zappa songs.

3) Finally, E wanted to post this picture of me at the Enterprise pub in Camden last night. God knows why - I look like a twat and, truth be told, am opposed to the posting of this picture in general:

Right, I've done my good deed; I'm off to bed.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:01 PM GMT
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Topic: Stephen Says
Our 'when it rains it pours' week of unbridled busy-ness is at an end and we can get back to being dull yuppies.

The concert last night was really good. The Roundhouse is an absolutely beautiful venue which is not only non-smoking but also serves pizza slices, sweet & savoury popcorn and nachos during the concert. Have a beer, eat a pizza and see some music, how perfect is that?

The mysterious opening band (name unknown) was a duo which had a lady playing the viola and a gentleman sitting on the floor playing the accordian with a touque on and a drumstick sticking out of it so that he could whack cymbals for percussion. Genius. The picture of him doesn't do it justice:

Next of was Beirut, a band that nearly (If not succeeded in) overshadowed Calexcio with the fact that every member of the 8-piece could play at least 4 instruments really, really well (Except for one guy who could barely play the maraccas and whose role seemed to be Mr. Energy) and often played all four of their instruments at some point during each song. The only reason they weren't a headline band is because they haven't been around long enough.

And Calexico was very good. I'm not too familliar with their catalogue so it's hard to comment though, they really should let the Mexican guy take over lead vocals (Or at least find and edgier singer as Elisabeth pointed out) and every one of their songs should have trumpets in it. It was a night of lots of trumpets and accordians which, while it might be hell for some, was quite pleasant for us.

In theory, A quiet week of catching up on sleep for us.
In theory.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:28 AM GMT
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Sunday, 5 November 2006
Busy couple of days
Topic: Stephen Says
I'm lazy. So lazy that I don't know what we've been blogging about, to be honest. We had the option of staying in London over the weekend but chose to come home last night where Elisabeth slept for 13 hours straight and I, 12.

So, let's see: Neko Case was wonderful as always. It's nice to see Elisabeth get all freaked out and passionate about something. As soon as Neko came on stage, Elisabeth separated from the group and pushed her way to the front. In an odd state of affairs, Neko was almost overshadowed by her opening act, a fellow by the name of M Ward, who happenes to play a really good guitar. (Hmm, can you tell that I don't know anything about music?). Basically he's one of these lone gutarist/ singers who isn't at all angsty and sings songs about random things like "That's why I thought O'Brien was a groovy guy."

The 2nd was supposed to be a day of rest'n relaxation but it wasn't and on the evening of the 3rd, Elisabeth went out with me and my co-workers to the Indian restaurant and dance club Masti where we ate the most lovely curry (Probably the best we've had in England. Please, if you go, try their fried cheese curry.) and saw Indian drummers and danced to some pretty obnoxious Asian dance music. Well, I did - E was having a hard time coping with being awake.

The drive in was marked with a bit of excitement when the other car in our convoy was crushed just outside of Wenbley by an 18-wheeler. No injuries, just a flat tyre, some pretty nasty damage to the body-work (The car getting compacted was a cute little MG convetable) and a badly shaken up Pole who was looking at losing his job as a result of his stupidity.

After the club, we spent the night in Greenwich where we stayed up past our bedtimes and 4 of us piled into a very small bed which meant that we didn't sleep very well.

Saturday morning was a slow one but E&I finally got our acts together and went to Trafalgar Square for the big Environmental Demo which, as it turned out, was more of a publicity event for famous people to feel good about themselves and teenie-boppers (Does anyone still use that term?) to pretend to have a social conscience while cheering on their favorite bands (KT Tunstile & Razorlight, respectively) or seeing a famous actor from the hary Potter movies (Miranda Richarson who played... um, exactly who?).

Some photo's from the demo:

It was nice to see the badgers so well represented. The mutant rhino's were less so:

On the way back to Waterloo, we stumbled across this:

I had no idea that Texas had seceded and turned their new country into a fast-food chain. God bless the Country-Formerly-Known-As-The-State-Of-Texas (And America herself) for setting new standards of quality and opportunity. What I really want to know is now that they're no longer a part of America, is Bush still allowed to be 'president?'

Posted by oz/rexcats at 3:14 PM GMT
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Thursday, 2 November 2006
(mini) Update
Topic: Stephen Says
As you may have guessed by Elisabeth's recent post not one hour gone, we're just plain too busy to blog (Gasp! Horror!). So until we have no life again (most likely won't happen until the weekend is over), I'll leave you with this wonderful image of me doing the ol' rock out with your cock out routine at another Halloween party:

Oh, and Neko was lovely.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:20 PM GMT
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Neko Case again!
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Nick Cave (Henry's Dream)
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Quickly, as we are both tired and wanting to have been in bed asleep 2 hours ago (it's only 9:45pm)...

Last night we saw Neko Case again. We met up up with STephen's manager and his wife.

Neko is soulful and down-to-earth as always. So beautiful.

The stereotypical pix

That's all for is good...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:52 PM GMT
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Tuesday, 31 October 2006
Happy Halloween/Goodbye October
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: The Boxroom Larry's
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Happy Halloween to One and All!!

While it's true that Halloween is a North American holiday, it is catching on more and more across the pond. However, when I wore my black wig to work, and to the YMCA, people didn't twig it was for any reason other than I've got a few screws loose. In fact, they thought it was my real hair... I had to explain that it was about taking the fun out of it!

So yes, cleaned up the cafe at the YMCA...the mouldy coffee, dishes, counters

Maybe Stephen'll call and invite me out drinking with his work mates...

tomrorow Neko Case...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:47 PM GMT
Updated: Tuesday, 31 October 2006 8:48 PM GMT
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Monday, 30 October 2006
Now Playing: Mudhoney - Under a Billion Suns
Topic: Stephen Says
The dilemma: We're almost out of booze and should I make the trek to the liquor store to buy more?

Answer: Probably yes.

Me: Stress levels returning to normal after a pretty damn good weekend of doing fun things in combination with working as opposed to doing not fun things in combination with working.

So yeah, A pretty interesting weekend...

The Things Elisabeth didn't mention in her post below:
Yes: We did open the door on people pissing.
The dark haired guy in the pic below: Did try mercilessly to hit on Elisabeth but to no avail.
What was funny: They were calling her Bjork and me Lemmy. Not bad comparisons, to be honest.

Also to be honest, those pictures don't do my wig justice, I'd just like to say. I may just wear it all the time from now on. The scary thing was, at the party, someone came up to me and started talking about going to see Motorhead play in a few weeks and was talking to me like I actually knew anything about the band. Couldn't they tell I was being ironic? Is irony dead? Apparantly so.

Halloween's tomorrow and then I'll really break out the costume. Until then, trick or treat!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:01 PM GMT
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Sunday, 29 October 2006
Wiggin' Out
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: BBC 4
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

The weekends drawing to an end. After losing an hour of daylight, it's 6:30pm and pitch black outside.

It's been a really good weekend (at least for me as unlike Stephen, I have not had to work). Friday night Stephen & I met up with YMCA volunteers for drinking, and then I stuck around with one other guy and watched a really good cover band. Yes, and it was in Woking, what a relief to see live music close to home. The two of us chatted a lot about ideas for the YMCA and the arts in general, which was nice. Saturday the creative energy must still have been flowing because while Stephen was at work, I created/recorded two songs on the piano. Once Stephen was home we chilled out and prepared to go to a house-warming/costume party for one of Stephen's old classmates who now lives in London. The results:


let's have a closer look at the hairy hunk-meister:

Shame that for Stephen having hair qualifies as a costume...


From Woking, London is usually 45 min. by train. But of course engineering works were taking place, which diverted our train and added another 30 min. to the journey. And all at full fare prices. We could only stay at the party for 2 hours, but with the tube and walking to the apt, our total travelling time was 3 hours. But anything for a costume party right?

Except, it turns out we were the only ones dressed up. C'est la vie eh?

But we met some weird and wonderful blokes on the train home, who we had the priviledge of joking around with for the hour it took to get back to Woking. We were standing right outside the toilets, which has futuristic push-button doors. Only, if the occupant failed to lock the door from the inside, we could "accidentally" press the open door button and catch passengers mid-stream. Of course we would NEVER do that!

And our new friends assured as they were NOT gay:

And today, Sunday, well we recovered over breakfast while listening to Leonard Cohen. Read a new book on Global Warming---please anyone who does not believe it is real, leave a comment so I can present you with the evidence---we all must urgently do everything within our power to stop the carbon emissions. It's just that simple.

So that was relaxing...and then Stephen went to work, and I'm spacing out.

'Till next time...

Posted by oz/rexcats at 6:49 PM GMT
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Friday, 27 October 2006
So is this what it's come to?
Now Playing: Neurosis - The Eye of Every Storm
Topic: Stephen Says
I left Elisabeth at the pub so that I could have and early night because I have to work tomorrow. My Lord, 30 is a nasty age. I'm being far too reponsible and far, far, far too boring.
Since when was 8:30 my cut-off time?

Anyway, it was my day off today so there was lots of spacing out involved along with purchasing some bits and bobs for the flat that should have been purchased YEARS ago (clothes drying rack, anyone?) and then I put together a CD/DVD rack. Fun.
Again, more boring 30 year old stuff.

Anyway, looking forward to the next 7 or so days - a few Halloween parties in the days to comes, Neko Case next weekend, an awesome Asian dinner in North London with Punjabi drummers, seeing Calexico in concert, and more and more and more, etc...

And, of course, Neurosis on the 18th. How excited am I? Well, this is the kind of shit that I can expect to see and hear so... Yeeehaw!:

Anyway, 30 isn't so bad - it just brings me one year closer to my mid-life crisis.
And oh, what a glorious crisis that will be!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:35 PM BST
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Topic: Stephen Says
Me is so happy! Me is going to see Neurosis on the 18th of November! I can now tick off another box on my Things To Do Before I'm Dead list.

Let's hear it for pointless, narcissistic blogging!

(With lots of exclamation marks!!!)

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:32 AM BST
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