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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Wednesday, 13 December 2006
Too funny
Topic: Stephen Says
Soy makes you gay! Best part of the article:

Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality

Actually, the whole article is the best part of the article. It ends with tis warning:

Soy sauce is fine. Unlike soy milk, it's perfectly safe because it's fermented, which changes its molecular structure. Miso, natto and tempeh are also OK, but avoid tofu.

America: Lead in the world in wha?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 7:54 AM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 December 2006 7:58 AM GMT
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Tuesday, 12 December 2006
Yay for Visitors!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Tropicalia
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Tim & Vicki arrived from Philadelphia yesterday morning. As Stephen & I both had to work, we got them into the apartment, gave them keys, towels, food and a bed, and then left.

Which was good, as they were quite tired.

My manager let me go an hour early, and so we all got to hang out, go to a quick learning disabeled course at the YPOD and then out to dinner at the lovely L'Aroma.

More drinks & christmas carols into the night.

Feeling a bit worse for ware today. But Tim & Vicki are now making an amazing smelling stir-fry...which is ready now..bye

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:09 PM GMT
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Saturday, 9 December 2006
Office Christmas Party
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Last night was my office Christmas party, which was held at the Ship Hotel in Weybrdige, which happens to be next door to my last job's office building. Swings and roundabouts...swings and roundabouts...

The evening started with drinks, and introducing Stephen to my curious colleagues. Everything was a bit uncertain, and people hadn't had enough drink to be relaxed yet.

Soon enough, we were seated for dinner, and unlike many companies, there were no speeches or a welcome, or anything. So, we pulled our Christmas crackers apart (most people at my table seemed too embarrassed to do such a childish thing) and put on our crowns. Well, Stephen and I did.

The food was deplorable. Brown, mushy and bitter sprouts, a thin stick of black crisp, which we decided was supposed to be a roasted parsnip. The roasted part was what gave it away.

The soup was like drinking oil, the plum pudding tasted like petrol. So, the drink his us even harder as we didn't eat much.

Well I was ok because I stopped drinking after 4 glasses of wine...Stephen on the other hand made a right ol' show of himself-- swearing at ladies, shimmy-ing up and down support beams...I got a lot of raised eyebrows from colleagues...what will they say on Monday? But if it weren't for Stephen, it would have been unbearably dull...

We did a lot of dancing, as usual...people gave us plenty of space...

At 12:30 the taxi came to take us home. Stephen just about passed out.

This morning at 9:15, Stephen got a call to go into work for a few hours, and despite the hangover, he ate breakfast, hopped on his bike, and is now at work!

I on the other hand, can barely be arsed to shower. But I will of course. I must do a few things in town...

Here's two pix from the part-ay

tommorrow: Tim & Vicki?

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:55 AM GMT
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Thursday, 7 December 2006
Stupid stuff
Topic: Stephen Says
Weather: It was pouring at work and then I rode my bike home and by the time I got up the hill, it had all turned to snow. Yes folks, an overall elevation of 1.5 metres is the difference between rain and snow in Woking.

Of course it's gone now. Snow in England lasts about as long as the Iraq Survey Groups findings remain relevant in George W. Bush's 'brain'.

I had my 1st sleep in at work in what seemed ages which meant unbridled access to a television set which meant that not only did I watch the Party Poker's Australian open but I got to see a double bill of Van Damme movies:

His modern day classic 'Derailed,' which featured a cutting edge plot inolving terrorist bio-weapons, and super-marionation traintastic special effects. Utterly craptastic in the most boring way you can imagine.

This was followed by his classic movie 'Kickboxer' (Not to be confused with Kickboxers 2-5 which didn't actually feature the Muscles from Brussels) which features one of the (If not the) greatest action scene in a movie ever:

Will have more soon when I'm not quite so tired, it's not quite so late and the phone isn't ringing so much.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 11:03 PM GMT
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Wednesday, 6 December 2006
Merrily, Merrily...
Now Playing: XTC
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

It's a bit freezing tonight, and without central heating, it's necessary to wear layers and a toque (wooly hat) indoors.

Stephen sounded a bit poopy this morning about the weather, but at least he works in a great big edwardian house with a radiator system reputedly on overdrive. And he gets to sleep there fully dressed-two duvet action for him!

So how's December treating you all out there? Christmas cards (or e-cards for you eco-warriors) have been prepared/posted? Gifts: bought, wrapped?

Or are you like me and have good intentions but no will to carry through with actions? For example, for most of the year I've been looking forward to Christmas so that we can stock up on wine, cheese and chocolate...but I just can't justify doing it because there's no point. There's only two of us! We'll just get really fat and gluttony.

And Christmas presents...sure I love my friends and family, but you know, why should we spend money on each other? And receiving gifts isn't that pleasurable either. In fact, thinking about the material aspects of Christmas just turns me off.

Instead, lets just smile a lot, drink lots of hot drinks, and enjoy the way the moonlight shines through the bare branches of the trees at night. The frosts, the time off work, and hopefully spending time with people you don't spend enough time with. Parties: dancing and these things is my seasonal joy.

So that's my apology to everyone and all as to why you won't be getting a prezzie from me! Maybe you'll see a card...if I can stop blogging and surfing the internet long enough to get my act together.

Looking forward to my office x-mas party on Friday, as well as Tim & Vicki's arrival this weekend...

Ding dong merrily I'm high!

Posted by oz/rexcats at 8:10 PM GMT
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Topic: Stephen Says
It's been a lovely sunny morning and now that I'm about to head out for work, it's pouring. Stupid British weather.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 12:56 PM GMT
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Monday, 4 December 2006
What have I been thinking?
Now Playing: Neurosis - The Eyes of Every Storm
Topic: Stephen Says
Really, what HAVE I been thinking? Ntl is doing work in the area so our broadband has been real hit and miss over the past few days. Of course we were never told about it and, only after I called 3 help lines, being charged 5-10p a minute depending on which service desk I was ringing, did I find out via an automatic voice with a dodgy Yorkshire accent that Ntl customers in the GU22 post code area were going to be having dodgy service for the forseeable future. Elisabeth is is pretty pissed off at the shoddy service and is going to complain the living shit out of them to get us a refund of some kind.

Whee, I'm back at work and all energized and happy and productive and I think it's freaking out the staff & residents alike. Just for the hell of it, I whipped up a batch of cheezy garlic bread and was able to produce a caramel apple tart with custard on top of my usual duties. Efficient worker says you? Cheap bribery says I.

So, hmm, The Nativity Story bombed at the box office. Gee, did anyone see that one coming? Reuters is trying to pass the blame onto poor weather (i.e., God) but over at CHUD, the same fella who so wonderfully blasted that anti-global warning asshole a couple of days ago has another point of view which has a lot more merit than blaming God for a poor box office.

(Seriously, if you can't blame liberals, gays, immigrants or Muslems on something, I suppose God is always a good fallback guy. After all, you know he'll only just forgive you.)

(Unless he feels like going Old Testament all over your ass, in which case you're screwed anyway.)

Anyway, rant aside, what was I thinking today? With the internet out of commission, I headed into town for 2 1/2 bloody hours to browse. At Christmas. It was horible, just horrible, gentle reader. I came close to buying cufflinks, spending 100 pounds on a new juicer, 30 quid on a bloody chopping block, more money on gloves I didn't really like... The possibilities for getting ripped off were endless! For an unreasonably long period of time, I became one of the living dead:

Posted by oz/rexcats at 10:35 PM GMT
Updated: Monday, 4 December 2006 10:40 PM GMT
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Sunday, 3 December 2006
On Old Farts
Now Playing: BBC Radio 4
Topic: Stephen Says
I posted the following comment on another blog:

Are you an old fart? Am I? Spent Saturday night at home drinking camomile tea and lying in bed reading a history of the Middle East and fell asleep around 9PM. Woke up this morning and thought 'what a wonderful evening I just had' and am now looking forward to my wife cooking pancakes and reading the Sunday paper. Ugh.

Read it to Elisabeth who laughed at me and I thought it might be worthwhile to post it here as well. It was only when I was typing out the entry that I realized I was listening to BBC Radio 4.

The same Radio 4 I listen to all the time.

The Radio 4 that is mainly listened to by posh ladies in the countryside with names like Beatrice and Eugenie who don't call themselves birdwatchers, rather they use the much cooler term 'twitcher.' I know that because I listen to (groan) BBC Radio 4 all the Fekking time.

On the up side, I've also discovered a hysterically funny comedy show on it which has garnered more complaints that positive reviews so you know it's got to be good. You can listen to the 1st episode HERE, assuming you've got a fast connection and real player.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:42 AM GMT
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Saturday, 2 December 2006
Stupidly Effiecient
Now Playing: Totally 80's
Topic: Stephen Says
Elisabeth continues to be irritating and book driving lessons first thing Saturday morning. So she was up early (As was I a while later) and out of the house. I cut my hair, spaced out and, upon her return, we ate breakfast and vamoosed into town where we hit the bank, post ofice, a few shops, I bought clothes, she a 2007 diary, and bought groceries and a paper (A Guardian. Eeew.). We were home by 2PM.

We're having Radiccio Pizza for supper tonight. We thought radiccio and radishes were interchangable so we stocked up on radishes. God only knows what the pizza's going to tast like.

We're also cleaning the flat though motivation for doing this is waning severely. The last guest we had staying with us was about 6 months ago which means it's been 6 months since we cleaned the place and only 1 week until Tim & Vicki arrive which means that we've got to make the accumulation of mould disappear pronto. We've beenwading through about 6 inches of dust over the last month and have become used to it, though I'm sure it's not to everyones taste.

Neither is radish pizza but we're gonna eat it anyway.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:08 PM GMT
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Thursday, 30 November 2006
So long....Nov.
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries

Calm, calm, calm...taking time to feel calm is sooo beneficial.

We're having a quiet night at home.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:07 PM GMT
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